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Nicola Gooch

Airport Expansion: When meeting long term needs becomes political dynamite

The continued procrastination over whether to expand Heathrow Airport seems to play into a much wider theme in the British (and...

Irwin Mitchell

America is becoming less middle class

The top 1% are getting richer, the highly educated and well paid are getting richer and everyone else is going backwards.  White collar...

Nicola Gooch

Court of Appeal rules on legal definition of a "Tree"

The Court of Appeal has issued a decision which confirms that the word "tree" for the purposes of a Tree Preservation Order or Tree...

Nicola Gooch

Government proposes key amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework

A consultation on crucial changes to the National Planning Policy Framework opened today. The proposed amendments to affordable housing...

Nicola Gooch

Planning Appeal refused due to breach of Pooling Restrictions

A developer in Surrey has recently been reminded of the importance of making sure that the planning authority has counted their s.106...

Irwin Mitchell

After the Autumn Statement, more news on Business rates for retailers

In the last couple of weeks,. business rates have been in the news a lot. Now, a recent report from Colliers on the current  revaluation...

Nicola Gooch

Reasons, reasons and material considerations

Given the increasing prevalence of neighbourhood plans, it is not surprising that we are now getting a number of cases which deal with:...

Nicola Gooch

Yet more red tape to cut: Cabinet Office review of building sector re-opens

In an apparent concession that they didn't manage to get through all of it the last time around, the Cabinet Office has re-opened its...

Irwin Mitchell

Buy to let ownership moving from individuals to the corporate sector?

The cynic might be forgiven for speculating that the Autumn Statement proposals, coupled with the Bank of England's recent "concerns"...

Irwin Mitchell

West Sussex - Abolition of Internal Drainage Boards

The environment agency is looking to abolish internal drainage boards (IDBs) in eight areas of West Sussex and Kent. Where an IDB is not...

Irwin Mitchell

Getting it right from the outset

As an employment lawyer I see a lot of issues that arise because fairly simple employment measures haven't been put in place at an early...

Irwin Mitchell

Car sharing: is this the sign of things to come?

Uber is at the vanguard of mobile technology and sharing of resources, but there is no reason why other areas can't also benefit on a...

Irwin Mitchell

Silicon Abbey?

This is more about the built environment and power of cities than property law, but the Centre for Cities has released a map using Patent...

Irwin Mitchell

A viable alternative?

Nicky Gavron AM has commented on potential proposals for developers to publicise their viability assessments. These are used in planning...

Irwin Mitchell

The annual bonus - the jargon explained

I love the idea that we need expert help to understand the banking sector.  The legal universe perhaps, no maybe all businesses have...

Irwin Mitchell

No tax increases? Tell that to small operators in the retail sector.

Jerry Schurder of Gerald Eve, like many rating practitioners, has been pressing now for some time for reform of business rates. This tax...

Irwin Mitchell

Getting women back to work (and back to Midland Bank/HSBC)

Great to see HSBC taking positive steps to redress the lack of gender diversity at its higher levels.  The proof will be in the tasting...

Nicola Gooch

Chichester District Council to introduce CIL on 1 February 2016.

Chichester District Council is due to begin charging CIL on 1 February 2016. The proposed charging rates are as follows: Residential...

Irwin Mitchell

New Government guide

The Government has published a new guide for employers on Recruitment and Retention of Transgender Staff which is designed to help...

Irwin Mitchell

Court of Human Rights rules of religious headscarves

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that an employee losing her job because she insisted on wearing a headscarf at work for...

Irwin Mitchell

Buy to let- changes to SDLT Thresholds

The Autumn Statement has revealed increased Stamp Duty Land Tax rates for second homes and buy to let properties. From 1 April 2016,...

Irwin Mitchell

Black Friday - Employees expected to go AWOL

Black Friday will be with us at the end of this week. We imported this tradition from the USA for the first time properly last year and...

Nicola Gooch

Affordable Housing: The only winner in the spending review?

Hidden amongst all of the doom and gloom of the spending review, which is due to set out billions of pounds of cuts in spending, is a...

Irwin Mitchell

Auto enrolment continues to be rolled out

Since October 2012, new pensions legislation meant that all employers would eventually be required to automatically enrol employees...

Irwin Mitchell

Can't see the wood for the trees when choosing an investment?

Perhaps you need to look at forestry as a possibility? A recent survey shows that investment in UK forestry is running at an all time...

Nicola Gooch

In Defence of the Megacity: Is urban planning going to save mankind?

For those of us who occasionally lose sight of the importance of what we do, Lord Foster has published a very timely reminder in last...

Irwin Mitchell

Tackling the rise of bullying in the workplace

A recent ACAS report suggests that bullying in the workplace is more prevalent. Bullying itself is not an employment law claim that an...

Irwin Mitchell

The New Living Wage is dividing Retailers

The new National Living Wage (NLW) of £7.20 per hour for employees over the age of 25 comes in to force in April 2016. Employers are not...

Irwin Mitchell

Bankers get a bad press.

Even top bankers believe they are paid too much to play with other people's money. The important point is that those who receive...

Irwin Mitchell

Chilham Definitive Map Modification Order: Public inquiry to commence 24 November 2015

The inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs will tomorrow begin to hear the public local...