Having a comfortable retirement is something we all want. The best way to achieve that is by starting to plan for later life as early as you can.
Our retirement financial planning advisers can help you achieve your investment goals. We provide advice and wealth management services to help you understand:
- Where you’re at with your retirement savings
- The level of income you’ll need in your retirement
- How much money you’ll have in retirement, and when it’ll run out
- If there are any shortfalls, how you can begin address this.
Planning For Your Retirement
There’s a lot to think about when planning for your retirement. But it starts with one simple question – how much money will you need? The follow-on question then is how will you get there?
We can help you answer these questions and more. Our advisers use cashflow modelling to project how much you’ll need to save, and how much money that’ll translate as when you retire.
We’ll make sure that you’re:
- Making the best use of your tax free allowances
- Money is held in a suitable saving/investment strategy, which takes an appropriate level of risk
- Contributing the right amount into your pension
- Regularly reviewing your retirement objectives to make sure you’re on track.
But life doesn’t stay still. Divorces, new jobs, redundancies, inheritances – these things can all change the plan. We build lifelong relationships with our clients. We’ll regularly review your situation – and change course as needed.
Approaching Retirement & Taking Your Pension
As you get closer to retirement we can help you prepare. We can advise you on:
- Whether your current arrangements are suitable in terms of cost efficiency, flexible access options and suitable investment solutions
- Passing on your wealth to the next generation
- When to take your pension
- Whether you should buy an annuity or take pension drawdown
- When to start consolidating your gains, by moving to lower risk investments
- Changing the plan if you’re not on course for your savings goal
- Whether to take a lump sum from your pension when you retire.
Why Choose Irwin Mitchell?
You may not have heard that Irwin Mitchell offers financial planning. That’s fine – we won’t take it personally!
What we do take personally is our commitment to client service. We treat every one of our clients as individuals – we’ll listen and give advice that’s tailored to your situation.
We have a lot of experience working with people who have received compensation after suffering a serious injury. Why’s that relevant? Well we specialise in helping people manage a big sum of money that needs to last them the rest of their life. Taking an income in retirement is very similar, and we have a growing number of clients choosing to us for retirement financial planning.
Retirement planning isn’t just a financial consideration. We work closely with lawyers across our Tax, Trusts & Estates team, and can help you with a range of connected legal issues. We offer a full range of legal services and can help with everything from writing your Will, through to setting up tax efficient structures such as trusts.
Contact Us
If you’d like to have a chat about planning for your retirement, call us on 0370 1500 900.
Call our experts on:
0370 1500 900Or we can call you back at a time of your choice