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Posts from June 2017

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Joanne Moseley

Dept for Education is the first government department to publish gender pay gap

All organisations employing 250 employees or more are required to publish the raw data setting out their gender pay gap by 4 April 2018...

Nicola Gooch

The Minister's Dilemma: Build Up or Build Out

It is probably an understatement to say that Alok Sharma began his tenure as Housing Minister in extremely difficult circumstances.  The...

Irwin Mitchell

Too hot to work?

Our clients are often surprised that there is no legal guidance on maximum workplace temperature.  The Workplace (Health, Safety and...

Joanne Moseley

UK workers are cheated out of at least £1.5bn a year

According to a research group at Middlesex University business school in a report called Unpaid Britain one in 20 workers say that they...

Nicola Gooch

The Joy of Festivals: There is a lot of red-tape behind the revelry

The 2017 festival season is now, officially, well under way. The Isle of Wight and Download have already taken place. This week,...

Irwin Mitchell

Are we talking about the same sector?

Those of us with memories will recall the nursing home crisis of the recession. And, indeed, earlier this year, the Guardian, at...

Nicola Gooch

And now for something completely different - Let's take a break from politics and talk PropTech

This morning, whilst listening to Radio 4, I heard: "There has been an awful lot of politics lately".  This single sentence neatly sums...

Irwin Mitchell

"Let's understand each other" - a grown up conversation between surveyors and banks

Well, that's good then. The BBA and the RICS have entered into a joint "Memorandum of Understanding" about valuations, showing their...

Nicola Gooch

Election 2017: Planning Policy and Possible Compromise

Whilst the Conservatives remain the largest party in parliament, by a significant margin, they have fallen short of an overall majority...

Joanne Moseley

Can a worker be paid in lieu of taking a holiday?

Our laws provide that workers can only receive payment in lieu of untaken statutory holiday at the end of their employment.  Under the...

Joanne Moseley

Nearly 10 million Britons are in insecure work, says union

Up to 10 million Britons or nearly a third of the UK workforce do not have secure employment, according to the GMB union, which has...

Nicola Gooch

The Community Infrastructure Levy and Care : Inspectors show sense on charging rates

One of the many frustrating things about CIL is the broad brush approach that some local authorities take when preparing their charging...