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Irwin Mitchell

The impact of higher employment on wages

Most people would agree that a higher employment rate is positive news. But with more people in work, there will be less spare capacity...

Irwin Mitchell

Alternative investments?

Radio 4's "Today" programme this morning had an interview with a spokesman from the RICS about institutions investing in infrastructure,...

Irwin Mitchell

Addressing work-life balance

Last week it was announced that the European Commission has launched a public consultation on proposals to address the challenges of...

Irwin Mitchell

Aiming high- Landmark development announced in Hove

The Hyde Group have announced plans for a landmark 17 storey building on Hove seafront and are seeking feedback on the proposals from the...

Nicola Gooch

CIL: Retrospective Permission Trap Highlighted by VOA Appeal

Since June 2013, the Valuation Office Agency has been publishing redacted versions of CIL Appeal letters. On 17 November 2015, an appeal...

Nicola Gooch

DLCG Launches Independent Review of Community Infrastructure Levy

DCLG has just released the terms of reference for a strategic review of CIL by an independent panel. The panel will be led by former...

Irwin Mitchell

When failure to comply with collective redundancy obligations can be a criminal offence

Whilst ultimately the ex-directors at City Link were acquitted, these proceedings serve as a useful reminder of the importance of...

Irwin Mitchell

"The haters gonna hate, hate, hate..."

Excuse me borrowing from you, Taylor, but you'd have thought that we'd had enough of hate and fear. But no. Recent events in Paris have...

Irwin Mitchell

Gender Pay Gap Narrowing (but it's bad news!)

One of the reasons for the gender pay gap closing is because of men's declining wages. Can it really be men deciding to pay women less...

Irwin Mitchell

Race Discrimination Still Prevalent

The Race Relations Act was passed 40 years ago. It outlawed discrimination based on race and nationality. Two generations or more of...

Irwin Mitchell

So, you're not a 'people person'. We've got just the job for you...

If you don't enjoy social interaction and your idea of hell is an office Christmas party, here is a list of jobs that might just suit you...

Irwin Mitchell

I really, really, really hate jargon.

Honestly, I just don't understand why people don't say someone died but they 'passed on'. You're not a plumber, you are in the water...

Irwin Mitchell

Living Wage to increase productivity (ahem!)

The claim among more than half of employers is that the Living Wage will result in increased productivity. Whether this means getting...

Irwin Mitchell

590 People Die because of Welfare Reforms

Perhaps it is time for Iain Duncan-Smith to revisit his welfare reforms, which seem to have resulted in 590 suicides and 279,000 cases of...

Irwin Mitchell

House prices are STILL on the rise...

The Office of National Statistics has today released new figures, making it official : house prices are still going up. The number of...

Irwin Mitchell

Uber, employment status and the commencement of litigation on English shores

As expected, proceedings have now been brought against the notorious taxi hailing firm, Uber in England in an attempt to determine...

Irwin Mitchell

Rising House Prices in the South East

The latest from the Estates Gazette signals increasing prices and demand for housing in the South East, which is good news for the...

Irwin Mitchell

Manchester, Leeds, South Oxfordshire, Reigate and Banstead... where development is forecast to rise...

Taking into account economic forecasts, expectations of job growth, housing supply & demand and the local authorities' planning policies,...

Irwin Mitchell

Cash, value and climate change

A rise in sea levels? It's ok, I live on a hill. Melting glaciers? Great, the northwest passage will be passable. Increases in...

Irwin Mitchell

Punks Part 2!

No sooner do I comment on the FCA addressing the CML about the needs of older borrowers than the Building Societies Association publish a...

Irwin Mitchell

First Jose, now Clarkson!

Not that we needed it but here is another timely reminder that an individual can be sued in a personal capacity by a colleague for...

Irwin Mitchell

The Bank of England warning about robots.

Production lines are already highly automated and the next step will be administrative, clerical and production jobs. Repetitive tasks...

Irwin Mitchell

Should employers rely on bonuses to incentivise staff?

We all know that bonus and other performance related incentives are one way to incentivise staff (alongside other matters such as career...

Irwin Mitchell

To EU or not EU?

Today we've seen David Cameron's four objectives for change mocked as "thin gruel" whilst recognised by some EU counterparts as "largely...

Irwin Mitchell

When is "banter" discriminatory?

To pass any homophobic or racist comments off as banter seems completely out of touch with most people's views of such behaviour. But...

Nicola Gooch

Government Figures show 25% Increase in New Build Housing

DCLG has today released figures demonstrating that the number of new homes in the UK has risen by 25% over the last 12 months. The...

Irwin Mitchell

Employees and crime. Between a rock and a hard place?

Football tends to operate by different rules to the rest of the business world. The level of pay, the fines, the lengthy fixed term...

Irwin Mitchell

Part-time workers, holiday pay and changing hours; the nightmare continues

Actually, this most recent case is a helpful guide for what to do when a part-time employee increases their hours part way through the...

Irwin Mitchell

Racial profiling and social media; a toxic mix for a global brand

Racial profiling is suspecting a person of certain behaviour based on stereotypes about their race, for example, bodily searching devout...

Irwin Mitchell

Mortgage Loans and the ageing of the Punk Generation

The Punk Generation were recently described in the financial press as entering the "last time buyer" stage of their lives. Now the FCA,...