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Nicola Gooch

Cheshire East seeks Supreme Court review of 'Policies for the Supply of Housing' Judgment

Cheshire East Council is seeking permission from the Supreme Court to appeal the Court of Appeal's Judgment in Suffolk Coastal District...

Nicola Gooch

House of Lords amend key starter homes provisions in Housing & Planning Bill

Yesterday was not a good day for the Department of Communities and Local Government, as they suffered two key defeats over the Housing...

Irwin Mitchell

Charities and Social Investment

At last, charities have had their powers extended to clarify what was an ambiguous area, allowing them, subject to safeguards, to make...

Nicola Gooch

Railway Stations to become new hubs for housing led regeneration

On Sunday, DCLG announced a new initiative to redevelop land surrounding railway stations to provide up to 10,000 new homes, as well as...

Nicola Gooch

The 21 Authorities most at risk of local plan intervention

Planning Magazine has listed the 21 local authorities most at risk of intervention in the local plan process, if the Housing and Planning...

Nicola Gooch

Specific Appeal Rights for unviable Affordable Housing to end on 30 April

DCLG has recently decided that the specific rights to appeal affordable housing requirements on stalled sites will come to an end on 30...

Irwin Mitchell

Academies "Land Grab"

Many people will be aware of the Government's plans for all UK schools to become academies, but where does this leave the ownership of...

Irwin Mitchell

Land Registry facing privatisation

The Government has issued a consultation paper for the privatisation of the Land Registry.  This forms part of its wider aim of £5...

Nicola Gooch

Detail of Starter Homes Proposals out for Consultation

It has long been a pet theory of mine that the more important a planning related consultation is, the duller its title will be. This...

Nicola Gooch

Permitted Development: Office to Residential demolition and re-build rights are still a possibility

Planning Resource Magazine has just published an article indicating that the proposal to include rights to demolish and replace buildings...

Irwin Mitchell

They take but they still want - or Dealing with Governments

Who to believe in Government? A question that is asked often and with good reason (along with can you believe in government at all!)....

Nicola Gooch

When Housing Policies are Out of Date: Court of Appeal clarifies para 49 NPPF

Earlier today the Court of Appeal issued a judgment clarifying the proper interpretation of Paragraph 49 of the NPPF.  Paragraph 49...

Irwin Mitchell

Budget 2016

Although it takes some time to pick through the detail in the Budget each year, and longer to wait for and digest the legislation...

Irwin Mitchell

No Build to Rent exemption from new SDLT rules

The Government have announced in Budget 2016, and added more detail in the linked consultation response, that they will not be taking...

Irwin Mitchell

Infrastructure, pooling and property problems for Local Government pension funds

There has been a lot written recently on the way the UK government has forced Local Government pension funds into pooled vehicles so that...

Nicola Gooch

Garden Cities downgraded to Garden Villages

Today's budget contained a lot of new proposals, and a few familiar faces returning to the policy agenda. The proposal for the...

Nicola Gooch

Permitted Development - 11th Hour Reprieve for Office to Residential and other changes

Last November DCLG announced a number of proposed changes to the Permitted Development regime, including a proposal to make Office to...

Nicola Gooch

Report recommends London exemption from NPPF and new devolution deal to tackle Housing Crisis

The London Housing Commission has published its report on how best to tackle the housing crisis in the capital. The report's conclusions...

Nicola Gooch

Planning Appeal fails because landowner did not sign s.106 Agreement

A developer in Leicestershire has missed out on planning permission at Appeal for 33 dwellings because he failed to ensure that the s.106...

Irwin Mitchell

Can you be forced to work a Sunday?

The outcome of the vote yesterday on the proposed extension to Sunday trading hours was certainly very interesting. However, it is also a...

Nicola Gooch

Town Planning: The NHS's new weapon in the war on obesity

The NHS has taken its campaign to improve the health of the nation one step further with the announcement of its 'healthy towns'...

Nicola Gooch

High Court quashes £170,000 CIL demand as unlawful

In a judgment handed down on 3 March 2016, Mrs Justice Patterson overturned a CIL demand for £170,000, issued by Swindon Council, in...

Irwin Mitchell

Hope yet for lawyers?

The potential of IT tools to cut lawyers out of the equation (along with all other professionals if you believe some pundits, let alone...

Nicola Gooch

House of Commons publishes road map to future planning reform

Last week, the House of Commons Library published its briefing paper on the Government's proposals for planning reform. The briefing...

Irwin Mitchell

Clicks v Bricks - IT, Big Data and the retail revolution

There was no doubt that some retailers were slow off the mark when it came to online presence and online sales. Recent research by...

Nicola Gooch

Government to review whether there is a 'continuing need' for the HCA

Brandon Lewis has today announced a review of the Homes and Communities Agency, to see whether there is a continuing need for its...

Irwin Mitchell

Estate regeneration panel convenes

Following recent announcements about a push to regenerate council estates using institutional finance, Lord Heseltine has appointed the...

Nicola Gooch

Greg Clark announces consultation on increasing planning application fees

Buried in the text of Greg Clark's statement to parliament on local government finances is a rather interesting paragraph on planning...

Nicola Gooch

Grand Designs: Register of self build and custom house builders goes live on 1st April 2016

From 1 April 2016, it should be easier for those inspired by Kevin McCloud to find the land they need to build the home of their dreams. ...

Irwin Mitchell

US property giant buys UK affordable housing developer

Interesting news in the FT and Inside Housing today that  US based "Related Companies" have brought discount market sale specialist...