Business Interruption Insurance - Permission to Appeal Refused
We have commented regularly on the business interruption insurance cases following the Covid-19 pandemic as they have made their way through the courts.
Today, the Supreme Court has refused permission for Allianz to appeal the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of London International Exhibition Centre plc v Allianz Insurance Plc [2024] EWCA Civ 1026.
Garon Anthony, Financial Services Partner comments:
"Todays’ decision by the Supreme Court is a welcome early Christmas present for business interruption insurance policyholders who have “at the premises” disease clause in their policies and who have previously had their claims rejected by insurers for coverage reasons.
Many policyholders who are across these issues, and aware that they had such clauses in their policies, can now finally pursue their claims against insurers. But other policyholders who had claims rejected in the past on the coverage grounds advanced by insurers in the ExCel case, and who have not been following legal developments, would be well advised to go back and check their BI policies to see if the Court’s decision could allow them to re-open the claim and re- engage with insurers.”