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Irwin Mitchell

Stop blaming avocadoes for the housing crisis

There were a number of stories last year suggesting that mild-mannered millennials would be able to buy  a home if they cut out the "flat...

Joanne Moseley

Unpaid trial shifts under the spotlight

MPs and unions are calling on the government to enact a blanket ban on unpaid shift work, describing it as “exploitation” by employers. ...

Irwin Mitchell

Letting Business premises? The RICS consults.......

It has been a busy time for the RICS recently on its consultations. First, the Service Charge Code revisions, where the new Code is due...

Nicola Gooch

Monday Morning News Flash: MHCLG Announce extended Agricultural to Residential PD Rights to come into effect on 6 April

Hot on the heels of last week's onslaught of planning consultations, Dominic Raab, our newest Housing Minister, has just announced that...

Irwin Mitchell

Tribunal service under pressure

The Ministry of Justice has published provisional employment tribunal statistics for October to December 2017 and it will come as no...

Joanne Moseley

New NMW register "names and shames" high profile employers whose uniform policies result in staff being underpaid

Latest figures published by the government name 179 employers who have underpaid 9,200  workers  £1.1m collectively. Wagamama, TGI...

Joanne Moseley

Scottish firms warned not to punish staff who followed snow advice

According to the Guardian newspaper, Scotland's transport minister has said that employers who try to dock the wages of workers who could...

Nicola Gooch

Developer Contributions under review: Government suggests a major overhaul of CIL and s.106 Agreements... but consults on tweaks to the system

MHCLG has clearly had a busy few weeks, as today has seen the launch of not one but two consultations on major changes to the UK planning...

Nicola Gooch

Rumours that new draft NPPF is to be released on Monday

Planning Resource has just published news that the long awaited revisions to the NPPF may be released on Monday 5th March "according to...

Nicola Gooch

A Reminder to be Reasonable: Yet another judgment stressing the importance of reasoned decision-making

It is not exactly news that 'reasons' challenges against planning permissions have become fashionable again of late - in fact we had a...

Irwin Mitchell

Animals in residential properties - a pet hate?

The Times (from behind a paywall) have reported on a proposal by Labour to oblige residential landlords to allow tenants to keep pets,...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

Restrictive Covenants - Building Scheme

In the recent case of Khoury and another v Kensell heard on 9 February, the court found that there was insufficient evidence of an...

Joanne Moseley

Supreme court begins hearing plumber's employment case

It has always been difficult to correctly determine the employment status of some individuals, particularly those engaged under self...

Joanne Moseley

UK bosses believe women should tell them at interview if they are pregnant

A YouGov survey of 1,106 senior decision-makers revealed that a third of those working for private companies thought it was reasonable to...

Nicola Gooch

Land-Banking: The Myth that will not Die?

Anyone reading the papers today will have spotted reports about the Local Government Association's latest research, which is being used...

Nicola Gooch

CIL Appeal Decision: Failing to discharge pre-commencement conditions will not avoid CIL Liability

It is an age old proverb that that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. A proverb which can feel depressingly apt when...

Irwin Mitchell

Use it (quickly) or lose it

A white paper is expected shortly proposing changes to "value capture" and rules on implementation of planning permissions.  The...

Nicola Gooch

Labour sees no value in "Hope": plans to change CPO rules to make landowners sell to the state at less than market value.

At the bottom of this post is a link to a Guardian Article which I recommend you read. In fact don't just read it, print it out and pass...

Nicola Gooch

Behind the Headlines: Planning news you may have missed this week

The news this week has been somewhat dominated by the collapse of Carillion, which means that planning news may well have slipped under...

Joanne Moseley

Calls to boycott company with 64.8% gender pay gap

All organisations employing 250 or more people have until 4 April this year (30 March for public authorities) to publish their gender pay...

Nicola Gooch

Neighbourhood Plans: Written Ministerial Statement Survives Legal Challenge.

At 10.30 this morning, the High Court issued its judgment in the Richborough Estates case*. For those who have not been following the...

Joanne Moseley

Why the Apprenticeship Levy is treated as another tax

John Timpson, the Chairman of Timpson, writing in The Telegraph newspaper explains why his company does not benefit from the annual...

Nicola Gooch

What a difference an 'H' makes: Government reshuffle results in a DCLG rebrand and another new Housing Minister

A week is certainly a long time in politics. It is six days since my last blog post and, not only has the rumoured reshuffle taken place,...

Irwin Mitchell

Consultation on Business Rates - rewriting the rules from the Mazars case

We will leave it to the economists to argue over whether property taxes are progressive or regressive. We can also leave it to the...

Nicola Gooch

New Year Blues... 2018 begins with Rumours and Regulations

The festive season is over.  New Year's resolutions have been made* and the world is slowly returning to work, reality and (for those of...

Joanne Moseley

New statistics reveal huge increase in employment claims since fees abolished

The government has today published quarterly statistics which show that the number of employment tribunal claims has increased...

Nicola Gooch

Deliverules: Westminster Council proposes using planning policy to rein-in restaurant delivery services

New technology and the UK Planning System are frequently uncomfortable bedfellows.  It is not surprising that a system based on Local...

Nicola Gooch

Supreme Court Decision: Does 'Dover DC' Herald The Return Of Reason To Planning Decisions?

It is very hard to find an upside to being stuck on a Southern Rail train for three hours. That said, my nightmare journey to work today...

Nicola Gooch

The New London Plan: Higher Densities; A Focus on Small Sites and a Huge Hike in Affordable Housing Targets

This year, December 1st has added significance.  Not only is it the first day of advent and the first socially-acceptable day to put up a...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking news: Gig economy workers may be able to claim holiday pay going back years

The European Court of Justice has today handed down a judgment on holiday pay in the case of King v Sash Windows that will have huge...