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Irwin Mitchell

Menopause discrimination case to be appealed

Many women suffer when going through the menopause and they can and do experience difficulties at work. Mandy Davies brought claims for...

Irwin Mitchell

Another view on "Land Banking"

Quite rightly, the Housebuilding industry has been relieved and justified in the way that the  interim Letwin report published last week...

Irwin Mitchell

ET rules that Hermes couriers are workers and not self-employed

In the week following the Supreme Court decision in Pimlico Plumbers v Smith, an employment tribunal in Leeds has decided that 65 Hermes...

Nicola Gooch

Planning SoS: What can we learn from James Brokenshire's first seven planning decisions?

Until fairly recently, our new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government had been keeping a relatively low...

Elizabeth Thomson

Supreme Court favours certainty over flexibility (and honour?)

In the recent case of Rock Advertising Ltd v MWB Business Exchange Centres Limited  the Supreme Court considered a "truly fundamental...

Joanne Moseley

Plumber wins workers' rights battle against Pimlico Plumbers

The Supreme Court has confirmed that one of Pimlico's plumbers, Mr Smith is a worker entitled to employment benefits including the right...

Irwin Mitchell

Move to force justification of pay gap between workers and bosses

Businesses and organisations employing more than 250 employees are already under a statutory obligation to publish gender pay gap...

Nicola Gooch

Court of Appeal: Unlawful use is not an automatic barrier to registering an Asset of Community Value

On 23 May 2018, the Court of Appeal handed down a Judgment in relation to how assets of community value are registered, which could have...

Irwin Mitchell

World Cup - Acas launches new guidance

As football fans eagerly look forward to the kick-off of the FIFA 2018 World Cup, new guidance has this week been issued by Acas to help...

Nicola Gooch

Sharknado: Could the 'Oxford Shark' be Britain's strangest heritage asset?

Most planners who are even vaguely familiar with Oxford City Council have heard of the Shark - a 25 ft fibreglass statue, which protrudes...

Irwin Mitchell

Health Secretary determined to tackle gender pay gap in medicine

In a modern NHS, is it acceptable that male doctors are paid more than £10,000 above the earnings of their female counterparts?...

Nicola Gooch

A New Approach to Affordability? Responses to Draft NPPF Suggest it may spell the end for Social Rented Housing

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government are not the only ones pouring over the responses to the draft NPPF, which was...

Irwin Mitchell

Has Uber scored an own goal?

Uber has announced that it will provide its European drivers with new protections including sick pay, parental leave and bereavement...

Irwin Mitchell

The business case for helping stressed employees cope

The statistics reveal a worrying situation concerning the impact of stress in the workplace. 12.5m working days lost due to anxiety,...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

A victory for landowners and developers in defeating claims to register land as a town or village green

In its recent decision in R (on the application of Cotham School) v Bristol City Council, the Court has confirmed that the use of...

Joanne Moseley

"Dark factories" are underpaying UK workers

A recent investigation by journalist Sarah O' Connor writing in the Financial Times has revealed a disturbing story of exploitation and...

Elizabeth Thomson

Should fashion retailers bring technology to the fore?

There would seem to be more losers than winners in the retail fashion world at the moment. Could the distinguishing factor be investment...

Elizabeth Thomson

Declining footfall: How can landlords and tenants help themselves?

With footfall declining at an unprecedented level and vacancy rates increasing, what opportunities might a lease afford for landlords and...

Nicola Gooch

A Blast from the Past or History Repeating: Are Starter Homes making a political comeback?

Three years ago, Starter Homes were the Government's 'big idea' for tackling the affordability issue at the lower end of the Housing...

Irwin Mitchell

Measuring Property - Don't forget - the standards change May 1st for offices and residential!

Just a quick reminder that the Second edition of the RICS measuring standards comes into force on May 1st.  Applying the International...

Irwin Mitchell

Chichester one of the most resilient high streets in the UK

As our firm has been part of the local business community in Chichester for decades, and located just away from the main high streets for...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking: Supreme Court implies new term in all contracts of employment

If an employee is dismissed on written notice posted to their home address, does the notice period begin to run from the date the letter...

Elizabeth Thomson

CVAs on the rise - lessons from the BHS story

House of Fraser is the latest name to be added to the growing list of retailers considering or announcing CVAs. In this context, the...

Nicola Gooch

Court of Appeal Judgment: The path to unrestricted retail consents is paved with good intentions.

On Friday, the Court of Appeal handed down a Judgment* which reminds us all that in planning, as in life, what you intended to do often...

Nicola Gooch

Labour announces plans to completely re-define Affordable Housing

Labour has today launched a green paper entitled "Housing for the Many" setting out their proposals for the UK housing market. The green...

Joanne Moseley

EU moves to protect whistle-blowers

Following public scandals regarding the VW vehicle emissions and widespread tax avoidance schemes, the EU has said that it intends to...

Nicola Gooch

Three Judical Reviews : One Local Plan - Waverley Borough Council faces a barrage of legal action over housing numbers

Even the most hardened planning cynic has to feel some sympathy for Waverley Borough Council, which is currently facing three separate...

Joanne Moseley

Employers can pay women taking maternity leave more than men taking shared parental leave

The EAT has handed down an important decision in the case of Capita Customer Management Ltd v Ali which clarifies that employers who...

Irwin Mitchell

Give small builders a leg up... not just some bad health and safety advice, it is the call from a cross party group of MPs who have released a report today with...

Nicola Gooch

Planning Update: A selection box of recent case law and a cautionary tale

As the cabinet seems to have taken a short break from announcing yet more planning reforms*, this post takes the form of a trip to the...