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Irwin Mitchell

"You will lose one pound in every eight but there will be no recession"

Or so says the Chief economist of CBRE Global Investors at the annual conference of the European Public Real Estate in Paris, putting it...

Irwin Mitchell

Land Registry Privatisation plans- on hold!

Controversial proposals put forward by the Government to privatise the Land Registry have been put on hold.  A consultation process on...

Irwin Mitchell

popular electronic telephone game causes construction consternation

Keen digital observers will know that, for now, Pokémon Go is wildly popular. We understand that it encourages people to experience the...

Irwin Mitchell

EU Guidance published on nearly zero-energy buildings

In the EU, 40% of all energy consumption comes from buildings.  To try and tackle this, on 3 December 2015, 16 leading EU companies...

Nicola Gooch

Autumn: A season of mists and more planning reform?

Summer is officially over: It is noticeably darker in the evenings;  schools are back in session and a new parliamentary term has begun....

Irwin Mitchell

rumours of Get Britain Building III

There is a widely held hope that the Government will announce a new housing supply stimulus package in the Autumn Statement, as part of...

Irwin Mitchell

Still tons of bricks in the property industry...

In heartening if slightly indignant news the Brick  Development Association has confirmed that there is no structural shortage in the...

Nicola Gooch

Protecting Pubs: Does removing PD Rights really protect pubs from closure?

Protecting pubs seems to be a matter of growing concern for London planning authorities and local communities.   Applications to register...

Nicola Gooch

Consensus grows on the need for more specialist housing

Two independent reports have been published in the last four weeks that highlight the UK's increasing shortage of retirement housing.  In...

Irwin Mitchell

IPD seismometer registers stirrings? Capital values down 2.8%

No sooner had I posted my last comment, wondering whether the Capital Economics report on rental values might need some element of...

Nicola Gooch

The Housing Crisis is a National Issue: levels of home ownership fall across the UK

Hidden amongst all of the political turmoil of the last few months remains one constant: We do not have enough homes in the UK.  This...

Irwin Mitchell

Standardised toolkit helps London businesses get faster access to broadband

Getting your first business location or moving an established business is difficult. First, finding and getting the space. Then fit out....

Nicola Gooch

Mixed messages on major infrastructure as Hinkley Point is 'paused'

It has been an interesting week for large infrastructure projects in the UK. The decision on whether to expand Heathrow or Gatwick has...

Nicola Gooch

London Planning Authority accepts Brexit impact on viability of residential development

It is well recognised that the  viability of any particular development can be highly sensitive to a wide range of variables. Everything ...

Nicola Gooch

New Commission to lead the regeneration of the Thames Estuary

Today the government will launch a new commission tasked with regenerating and reinvigorating the Thames Estuary, an area which includes...

Nicola Gooch

Supreme Court to reconsider meaning of "relevant policies for the supply of housing"

The Supreme Court has decided to review the Court of Appeal's judgment in Suffolk Coastal D.C. v Hopkins Homes and Richborough Estates...

Nicola Gooch

Theresa May promises tough action on Housing Deficit

On 11 July, Theresa May gave a campaign speech which set out her priorities as leader of the conservative party and prime minister elect....

Irwin Mitchell

A Zero Sum game?

If life is a "zero sum game", then this does not explain how economic growth happens. Some will tell you that this is only because what...

Nicola Gooch

Select Committee launches inquiry into UK housebuilding capacity

On 5 July 2016, the Communities and Local Government  Select Committee launched a new inquiry into the housebuilding industry. In...

Nicola Gooch

Planning in (and for) the Aftermath of the EU Referendum

Regardless of your views about last week's vote, it is fair to say that the result has made everything seem more complicated and less...

Nicola Gooch

DCLG needs you... to build a Garden Village.

DCLG has issued a prospectus setting out how they can support local areas in the delivery of new housing. They are seeking expressions of...

Irwin Mitchell

What do Lenders know? Debt finance for Property.

Interestingly, two sources seem to show a slowdown in traditional debt finance for Property. First, Saving Stream reports that Bank...

Irwin Mitchell

Government publishes proposals for revised Electronic Communications Code- Landlords beware!

Last month the Government published proposals for a revised electronic communications code.  The key points that Landlords should be...

Nicola Gooch

Planning: A New Era of Government Intervention?

The 2010 election of the coalition government was, in hindsight, a significant moment for the planning system. Over the parliament that...

Irwin Mitchell

Ignoring polite notices counts as force under English law

In a reassuring vindication of British values the Court of Appeal has confirmed that ignoring a clearly worded, clearly visible sign is...

Nicola Gooch

CIL Review Panel Report likely to be published after the referendum

There is little point in hiding the fact that I have 'robust' views about the Community Infrastructure Levy. Having spent the last few...

Nicola Gooch

Housing and Planning Act 2016 - implications for planning

The Housing and Planning Act gained royal assent on 12 May 2016.  Once it is fully in force, the Act will give DCLG extensive new powers...

Nicola Gooch

National Planning Guidance on Small Sites exemption is officially re-instated

DCLG has now reinstated the Planning Practice Guidance that gives effect to the Small Sites exemption; which was declared lawful by the...

Nicola Gooch

Government confirms that a permitted development right to demolish offices and rebuild as residential is still on the agenda

Given its reputation, Friday the 13th is an unusual date on which to release news. It is, however, the date on which DCLG chose to...

Nicola Gooch

Housing & Planning Bill to receive Royal Assent Today

Yesterday the House of Commons and the House of Lords managed to agree on the final text of the Housing & Planning Bill, with the Lords...