Theresa May promises tough action on Housing Deficit
On 11 July, Theresa May gave a campaign speech which set out her priorities as leader of the conservative party and prime minister elect.
The housing crisis featured prominently among the issues that Mrs May promised to address. As did a number of other planning related issues, including:
- More investment for new infrastructure projects
- A revised infrastructure delivery system that shares the benefits with local communities as well as local authorities
- An energy policy that emphasises the reliability of supply and lower costs for users
- Increases to the level of house-building
- Plans to boost the economies of all regional cities
If we are to take these early promises at face value, it looks as if we are set for yet more reforms to the planning system in the years to come!
That is why school reform is such a passion for so many Conservatives – and I will be setting out my own plans for schools policy in the coming weeks. But it is also why housing matters so much, and why we need to do far more to get more houses built.
Because unless we deal with the housing deficit, we will see house prices keep on rising. Young people will find it even harder to afford their own home. The divide between those who inherit wealth and those who don’t will become more pronounced. And more and more of the country’s money will go into expensive housing instead of more productive investments that generate more economic growth. ”