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Joanne Moseley

TUC says flexible working request can end in worse outcomes

According to a survey carried out by the TUC, two out of five low-paid young parents who ask for flexible work arrangements are...

Nicola Gooch

Micro Homes & Straw Houses: Alternative Methods of Construction Hit the News

Solving the housing crisis is undoubtedly a difficult thing to do, which might be one of the reasons why there has been so little...

Nicola Gooch

Planning and Competing Priorities: a choice between allotments and social housing highlights why we need the planning system - and the problems inherent in how we talk about it.

Earlier this month (on 2 August) the Guardian published an article exploring the issues raised by a controversial planning proposal.  The...

Irwin Mitchell

More on the refund of ET Fees

Those seeking a refund of fees will have to wait a little while longer - this just in from the Employment Tribunals (England and...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

VAT zero-rating denied for conversion of partly non-residential property into dwellings

The Upper Tribunal has denied VAT zero-rating for dwellings converted from partly non-residential and partly residential areas in a...

Irwin Mitchell

Buildover agreements, TfL and who do you go to when you want to build over?

You might wonder why a Court of Appeal case  about interpretation of a statutory instrument about highways should be setting warning...

Irwin Mitchell

Employment Tribunal Fees

The Employment Tribunals Presidents in England and Scotland have issued a Case Management Order, effectively staying (pausing) any case...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

Consultation on Tackling Unfair Practices in the Leasehold Housing Market

The government is considering introducing measures to tackle unfair practices in the housing market. The possible measures being...

Nicola Gooch

The controversies of infrastructure: Is there a North /South funding gap? or are roads simply winning over railways?

Given that July and August are supposed to be the 'silly season' there has been a remarkable amount of news generated this summer.  In...

Irwin Mitchell

Don't just follow the Spec

Construction colleague Mike Plews has digested and summarised the high profile LSE glass failure case. People may remember stories about...

Nicola Gooch

Mayor of London seeks power to both have cake and eat it by 'maximising' both Mayoral CIL and Affordable Housing provision

The provision of affordable housing in London is rather a contentious topic at the moment. This is not that surprising given that London...

Irwin Mitchell

Southern first time buyers coasting along...

Post Office Money have released research looking at the affordability of homes in the 15 biggest UK cities. They considered average house...

Joanne Moseley

New work Tzar wants tougher penalties for businesses failing to pay NMW

The new work Tzar, Sir David Metcalf has said that he wants tougher action against employers who underpay workers.   His suggestions...

Joanne Moseley

Voluntary overtime must be included in holiday pay

The EAT has today ruled that voluntary overtime must be included in holiday pay.  In the case of Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council v...

Nicola Gooch

The Secretary of State and his Inspector disagree on 5 Year Housing Land Supply issues.

If you were ever in any doubt that a standardised approach to assessing a local authority's housing land supply was a good idea, at least...

Joanne Moseley

Employment Tribunal Fees have been abolished - what happens now?

Yesterday the Supreme Court abolished ET fees and Employment Appeal Tribunal fees and ruled that the fee regime is unlawful.   This means...

Nicola Gooch

Retirement Living: Adopted planning policies rarely plan for an ageing population

It is both well known, and widely documented, that the UK is getting older.   According to the Office of National Statistics, by 2026 a...

Joanne Moseley

Manager claims discrimination following dismissal for calling Prince George a symbol of "white privilege"

According to a report in the HR Director, a former British Council manager was dismissed after calling Prince George a symbol of ‘white...

Nicola Gooch

The Community Infrastructure Levy: funds raised does not equal infrastructure delivered

It has been a busy old week in the world of planning. The Repeal Bill has been published, albeit under a new name; St Albans lost its...

Joanne Moseley

Is your employee sick or skiving?

New statistics released today by the ELAS Group identify the dates in the first half of the year with the highest absence rates.  Mondays...

Joanne Moseley

The Taylor Review: what employers need to know

Matthew Taylor has now published his review into modern workplace practices which is over 100 pages in length. Its scope is wide ranging...

Irwin Mitchell

Financial Penalties for Employers

Since 6 April 2014, Employment Judges have had the power to issue a fine (in addition to any compensation awarded to the employee) where...

Irwin Mitchell

Extent of Easements - a decision on a right of way and ancillary uses

A recent case in the Court of Appeal, Gore v Naheed and Another [2017] EWCA Civ 369, has provided a helpful update on the extent to which...

Irwin Mitchell

Council investment in Commercial Property

The Times has reported that local authorities are investing heavily in commercial property in an attempt to replace lost revenue from...

Joanne Moseley

Do we really need another category of worker?

Deliveroo has called for the Government to overhaul workers’ rights legislation to allow it to give its delivery riders benefits without...

Joanne Moseley

Are you one of the 18% of employers who don't know how the apprenticeship levy works?

From 6 April 2017 employers with a payroll of over £3 million have been required to pay 0.5% of their payroll costs to HMRC to fund the...

Joanne Moseley

Gig workers already have rights - all we have to do is enforce them

That is the message from the General Secretary of  the Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain.  His point is that many of these so...

Joanne Moseley

More self employed drivers claim worker status

An Employment Tribunal will start to hear the latest in a long of cases where so called self employed drivers (in this case from the taxi...

Nicola Gooch

It's the start of consultation season ... and we need to talk about Mayoral CIL

It has long been a pet theory of mine that government departments deliberately time their public consultations to coincide with the...

Irwin Mitchell

It's not just about Polar Bears.....

Paul Fisher, former MPC member, and former deputy head of the PRA, writes in IPE "If the financial crisis taught us anything, it is that...