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Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: new guidance on right to work checks

Our immigration specialist Philip Barth explains how organisations can carry out right to work checks at a time when many workplaces are...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)

On 2 April 2020, EIOPA , one of the EU's financial supervisory authorities, issued a press announcement urging insurance insurers and...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and moves to extend the Transition Period

Article 132 of the UK-EU Brexit- related Withdrawal Agreement permits the UK-EU  Joint Committee established under that Agreement to...

Joanne Moseley

Updated furlough guidance answers some questions but important ones are still unclear

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the government updated its guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. The first version...

Joanne Moseley

Holiday and furlough - the unanswered questions

On Monday the government published employer and employee guidance on its Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Since then lawyers, HR...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and joining up the dots on Covid-19

On 1 April 2020, the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee published a report summarising the EU's policy and legal measures in...

Nicola Gooch

Virtual Reality: Government publishes regulations enabling planning committees to be held remotely

If nothing else, our current circumstances have certainly proven that the UK's legislative draftsman are a genuinely exceptional and...

Irwin Mitchell

Can I get that pint to takeaway, mate?

In our team chat this last week I discovered that some of the southerners in my team have their local Boozers on deliveroo.@^ Now they...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the European Court of Justice - an interesting court case

On 2 April 2020, The Times newspaper reported on the UK  Supreme Court decision announced the previous day in Zipvit Limited v HMRC, a...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Joint Committee

The Joint Committee, set up under the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement to monitor and supervise implementation of that Agreement, met for the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the administration of Justice

On 27 March 2020, the House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee published a short progress report on  key Justice-related issues in the...

Joanne Moseley

Workers affected by coronavirus can carry over holiday into the next two leave years

On Friday, the government published Regulations which amend the Working Time Regulations 1998 and allow up to four weeks leave to be...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Trade Bill

 A Trade Bill was re-introduced into the UK Parliament on 19 March 2020  (the earlier one having lapsed with the expiry of the previous...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, Company Law and meeting the challenge of Covid-19

The coronavirus and the illness that it causes , Covid-19, are posing challenges to Company Law as well as to many other sectors of...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and changing times

On 29th March 2020, The Sunday Times reported that officials in London and Brussels have said that there is "zero" prospect of the UK and...

Nicola Gooch

We Need to Talk: s.106 Agreements, CIL Payments & Stalled Sites

There is a lot for developers to think about right now. Everything from the availability of building supplies, to force majeure clauses...

Irwin Mitchell

Prior Approval - the legal intricacies of the lockdown

In August 2019, my colleague Nicola Gooch gave a very quick round-up of some recent case law from the Planning Court.  This was further...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and an EU-wide ventilator procurement scheme

The Times newspaper on 27 March 2020 reported on a "mix-up" over the UK's participation in an EU-wide ventilator procurement scheme set...

Joanne Moseley

Government explains how Coronavirus Job Retention scheme will work

Last night, the government published guidance on the Job Retention Scheme, announced last week by the Chancellor. Here's the detail. Who...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, the Coronavirus Act 2020 and Human Rights

On 25 March 2020, the UK passed its Coronavirus Act 2020 which contains sweeping emergency powers to enable the UK Government to deal...

Joanne Moseley

Breaking: Chancellor announces new scheme to help self employed trade through coronavirus

The Chancellor has just announced a significant support package to help self employed workers:  The government will provide a grant which...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: temporary relaxation of drivers' rules

The Department for Transport (DfT) have announced that there will be a temporary and limited relaxation of the enforcement of drivers'...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: how does it impact on sponsorship licences?

Our immigration specialist Philip Barth, considers how sponsorship licences are affected by the measures being taken in the UK to deal...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and UK-EU cross-border pension schemes

Planning for the possibility that the UK and the EU might not reach a deal on their new relationship prior to the end of the transition...

Irwin Mitchell

Carry On... Making those decisions...

But how? There is a lot of talk at present about how the Planning Appeals system will continue to make appeal decision during the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Silent Spring

In 1962, the American environmental scientist, Rachel Carson, published her seminal book "Silent Spring", which was principally about the...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: which businesses can continue to operate?

Last night the Prime Minister announced a full lock-down of the UK in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.  All non-essential...

Irwin Mitchell

(Coronavirus) Bills & Regulations

The pace of change in the last week alone as the country finds it's place in the world-wide reaction to the spread of coronavirus.~@  As...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and data protection adequacy

Following Brexit on  31 January 2020 and the expiry of the transition period on 31 December 2020 and unless any other relevant...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, coronavirus and the World Health Organisation

According to its website, the primary role of the World Health Organisation (WHO) is "to direct and co-ordinate international health...