Lots of us encounter animals every day, whether it’s out in public or during work. If you’ve been injured by an animal because of someone’s negligence, our solicitors can help you claim the compensation you deserve.
Our animal injury lawyers help people who’ve been seriously injured in an attack or accident. We may be able to claim against the owner/keeper of the animal, your employer, an instructor, or even a government compensation scheme. Contact our team to see if you can claim compensation.
We’ve handled animal compensation claims in situations including:
- Horse related injuries
- Cow related injuries
- Dog bites/attacks
- Incidents involving animals while on holiday or working abroad
- Injuries caused by non-domesticated animals (for example at zoos, on safari or while diving)
- Illnesses contracted from animals
- Injuries caused while working with animals (for example, working on a farm)
- Fatal incidents.
If you own the animal that injured you, you usually can’t claim. However, if there was a third party involved, it may be possible. An example could be a speeding motorist spooking your horse, causing you to be thrown off. In that situation, you may be able to claim if the driver didn’t follow the Highway Code and caused your injuries as a result.
We can take animal injury claims on no win no fee agreements. We’ll discuss this, and other funding options, when you have your free initial consultation with one of our experts.
Why choose Irwin Mitchell to handle your animal injury claim?
We’ve a specialist team of serious injury lawyers, who’ve years of experience with claims involving animals in the UK and around the world. Our team understand what you’re going through, and what needs to be done to get you the compensation and support you deserve.
We’ll always speak to you in plain English and avoid overloading you with legal jargon. We want to make sure you’re fully informed each step of the way.
Alongside our legal experts, you’ll be assigned a dedicated trained clinical expert from our Support and Rehabilitation team. They’ll help you find the support you need to make the best recovery possible.
Receiving a large sum of money at once can be overwhelming. You might have questions about investing and managing your money. Our Asset Management team are financial experts who’ll be there to help.
When you need to meet with one of our team, we’ve offices around the UK that you can go to. Alternatively, we can meet you at an appropriate location or contact you by phone or video call.
Call us for a free initial consultation
0800 056 4110Or we can call you back at a time of your choice