Warehouse Manager Marks Road Safety Campaign After Lawyers Help Secure Access To Rehabilitation
A cyclist from St Albans seriously injured when his bicycle was hit by a car is progressing with his recovery so he can ‘get back to enjoying life.’
Kenneth Setchell, 65, from Redbourn, was travelling along Hemel Hempstead Road when a car emerged from adjacent road West Common. The car and Kenneth’s bicycle collided.
Kenneth lost consciousness and was taken to hospital by ambulance, where he underwent a series of scans and X-rays.
Kenneth was diagnosed with spinal and rib fractures, a dislocated shoulder, facial injuries and scarring. He remained in hospital for four days and was bedbound for two weeks.
Kenneth was later found to have sustained a head injury, despite having worn a helmet at the time of the crash. He also suffers psychologically.
Following the incident, Kenneth instructed serious injury experts at Irwin Mitchell to help him access the specialist rehabilitation and therapies he requires as part of his recovery.
He is now joining with his legal team in marking Road Safety Week by sharing his story and urging road users to stay safe. This comes after the legal experts secured interim payments from the insurers of the driver involved which will help fund Kenneth’s ongoing care. This followed the insurers admitting liability.
Expert Opinion
“The past two-and-a-half years have been incredibly difficult for Kenneth as he continues to come to terms with what he’s been through and the injuries he was left with.
Through our work we sadly come across many people left facing an uncertain future following collisions on the roads. While we can’t change what happened to Kenneth, we’re pleased to have been able to secure funds to ensure he can access the treatment he needs to progress with his recovery and help overcome his physical and emotional injuries.
Road Safety Week seemed the perfect opportunity for Kenneth to share his story and we would urge all road users to remain vigilant at all times to help prevent others from suffering in the way Kenneth has.”
Stephanie Penrose - Costs Paralegal
Since the incident, on 18 May 2019, Kenneth has received physiotherapy treatment and underwent septoplasty surgery earlier this year due to nasal issues.
In the months following the crash, Kenneth developed cognitive problems, reporting impaired short-term memory, difficulties with finding words, reduced concentration, reduced attention and noise sensitivity. He also suffers from low mood.
Kenneth lives with his wife of 27 years, Wendy, 60. The couple have two children together – Andrew, 23, and Emily, 22. Kenneth also has another daughter, Charlotte, 35, and three stepchildren.
Kenneth formerly worked full-time as a warehouse manager but has had to reduce his hours. He has also decided to retire earlier than planned.
He said: “Before the crash, I had always been very active, attending fitness boot camps, cycling and running. So when I was unable to do the things I enjoyed because of my injuries, I began feeling very low.
“To this day, I’m still generally very lethargic and lacking in motivation. I still suffer from some pain and my cognitive issues haven’t really improved. Because of this, I rely on Wendy a lot, particularly when it comes to things around the house and decision making for our finances.
“What’s happened to me has also had a profound effect on my family, who have struggled to come to terms with my injuries and how different life is now. I no longer socialise or take interest in football, which I used to go and watch with Andrew.
“Despite all the challenges, however, I’m so grateful to have my family supporting me. I wouldn’t have got through it without them, particularly Wendy who is always looking after me.
“I’m keen to continue progressing with my recovery so I can get back to enjoying life, and I even plan to retire early after re-evaluating my lifestyle and interests.
“All I can hope for now is that my story illustrates how important it is to take care on the roads. I wouldn’t want any other family to go through what we have.”
At a hearing in September 2020, the driver pleaded guilty to driving with due care and attention.
Road Safety Week runs from 15-21 November and is organised by the charity Brake.
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