Daughter Issues Appeal To Former Drax Power Station Workers For Information After Mum Diagnosed With Mesothelioma
A daughter from Doncaster is making a plea to her dad’s former colleagues for help amid fears her mum contracted asbestos-related cancer from washing his work clothes.
Elaine Williamson, 80, has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a terminal cancer of the lining of the lung linked to exposure to asbestos, often decades earlier.
Elaine, known as Trish, and her daughter Jayne Miller, have instructed legal experts at Irwin Mitchell to investigate how Trish was exposed to the hazardous material. They are investigating whether her illness is linked to washing the work clothes of Trish’s late husband, Anthony. Known as Tony he worked at Drax Power Station near Selby.
Jayne, 45, has joined her legal team in appealing to her dad’s former workmates for information about working conditions at the site, where Tony was based from 1974 to 1978.
With no obvious link to asbestos in Trish’s own work history, the family, of Bessacarr in Doncaster, believe if Tony’s former colleagues know if he encountered the substance, it could help the investigation into how Trish could have come into contact with asbestos herself.
Expert Opinion
“Cases of asbestos exposure, particularly among women can go under reported when faced with the male-dominated volume of industrial asbestos-related disease cases.
“While many of the cases we are involved in are related to those who have been directly exposed to asbestos during their working lives, instances when family members have had ‘secondary’ exposure are sadly not uncommon.
“Understandably, Trish and the rest of her family are devastated by her diagnosis and have a number of concerns about how she may have been exposed to asbestos.
“We are determined to help Trish and Jayne in their quest for answers and hope Tony’s work colleagues will come forward. Any information, no matter how small, could prove vital.
“Trish’s story will hopefully encourage other women to seek the help they deserve.” Simon Webb - Solicitor Advocate - Associate
Irwin Mitchell continues to support mothers and daughters like Trish and Jayne, who represent the female side of a UK asbestos story that according to Cancer Research UK, claims the lives of 460 women every year.
Trish developed symptoms in early 2019, when she started to experience shortness of breath, along with pain and discomfort in her chest. Initially it was suspected to be a different underlying health condition. This was investigated further through scans and later a lung biopsy, with Trish diagnosed with mesothelioma in October 2019.
Trish realised that she had not come into contact with asbestos through her working life. However, she believed Tony, who died prior to Trish’s diagnosis, may have worked with asbestos at Drax Power Station.
Trish has 2 children, Jayne and Stuart and one grandchild, Megan with her late husband Tony and a further 5 children, 10 grandchildren and now great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren from her previous marriage.
Jayne said: “Mum being diagnosed with mesothelioma was a massive shock. I just couldn’t take it in. It was awful having to tell my brothers and sisters. When Mum was told it was related to asbestos exposure, we couldn’t see how that was possible. Then she remembered years of washing Dad’s work clothes and how he could come home covered in white dust.
“The whole family is upset and I know Dad would be horrified by what has happened.
“I just hope that making this appeal might be our best chance of reaching Dad’s old workmates. Getting Mum the answers she deserves would provide some closure and a resolution.
“We don’t know where Dad’s former workmates are now, but if any of them would come forward and help us, it really would mean a lot to my Mum and all our family.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact Simon Webb at Irwin Mitchell on 0114 274 4277 or email simon.webb@irwinmitchell.com