Lord Faulks QC Led Panel Looking Into Judicial Review Trends
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has launched a consultation to seek views on new law reforms following the publication of a report by the Independent Review of Administrative Law.
The review was led by Lord Faulks QC and has recommended several changes to the Judicial Review system. It aimed to investigate whether the balance was right between the rights of citizens to challenge executive decisions and the need for effective government.
Expert Opinion
"We see the benefits of Judicial Review for citizens every day. In proposing minimal changes, the panel has sent a very strong message to the government, and has confirmed that judicial review is an important and necessary tool in upholding the rule of law.
Although not all responses to the consultation were published, it is noteworthy that the review highlights that none of the submissions received were persuaded of the need for reform. Happily the panel agreed with this in its conclusions which recognised the importance of the courts being able to review the legality of government decisions." Oliver Studdert - Partner
Announcing the consultation, Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland said: “The Independent Review of Administrative Law conducted by a panel of experts (the Panel) chaired by Lord Faulks QC was the first step. They have delivered a well-researched and closely argued Report which reflects the diversity of views on Judicial Review. I am very grateful to Lord Faulks and his colleagues for an impressive piece of work undertaken to a tight timetable.”
Irwin Mitchell provided detailed submissions to the independent review panel and will be responding to the MoJ’s consultation which closes on 29 April 2021.
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