Staff From Irwin Mitchell Raise Funds For Charity That Helps Young People With Disabilities
A Southampton-based charity which supports young people with complex disabilities has received a boost after three lawyers swapped their suits for sportswear and tackled a trio of 10k challenges.
Rebecca Brown, Nicole Causey and Alice Doherty from the Southampton office of Irwin Mitchell took part in the Southampton ABP 10k, the Portchester 10k and the New Forest 10k last year to raise money for the Rose Road Association.
The organisation provides vital support to children and young adults across Hampshire and the surrounding counties, offering services including 24-hour respite care, outreach and play schemes. Rose Road currently supports 300 children and young people from across the region and needs to raise £500,000 every year.
Now, after their efforts raised a total of £1,348, Rebecca, Nicole and Alice have visited the charity to handover the funds.
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“We are very proud of our long relationship with the Rose Road Association and are absolutely delighted to have been able to raise these funds for the organisation.
“The charity undertakes incredible work supporting so many people and while the running challenge was tough, we were all driven on by the fact that it was for such a worthy cause.
“As a firm we were committed to supporting fantastic good causes which make a difference to so many lives and we look forward to doing more to support the Rose Road Association in the years ahead.” Rebecca Brown - Senior Associate
Chloe Atkins, Head of Fundraising at the Rose Road Association, said: “We are delighted to have received this donation from Irwin Mitchell and would like to thank Rebecca, Nicole and Alice for their incredible efforts last year.
“We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Irwin Mitchell through the years and we truly appreciate their ongoing help.”