Specialist Lawyers At Irwin Mitchell Secured Settlement To Assist Charities Fund Legal Research And Provide Care And Support For Future Victims Of Mesothelioma
Four charities have recently expressed their thanks to local lawyers in Leeds following their conclusion of a claim that has secured a settlement award and will provide vital funds for legal research and care support for victims of mesothelioma.
Norman Rose, from Knaresborough, in North Yorkshire, was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a fatal asbestos-related cancer affecting the lining of the lungs which he believed was as a result of exposure to harmful dust and fibres four decades ago.
Norman started to experience symptoms in December 2015. He was still working as a self employed joiner and started to have difficulty carrying out daily tasks. He went to his local GP and was referred to Harrogate Hospital in April 2016 for an x-ray and tests and was diagnosed with the terminal condition mesothelioma in June 2016.
Norman and his wife, Bernadette were both devastated by the diagnosis. They were looking forward to spending their retirement together. Norman was also concerned about how his wife would copy because she had been diagnosed with chronic liver disease in 2015 and he provided regular care and support to her.
Norman instructed Irwin Mitchell to investigate how he was exposed to asbestos and it was quickly established that it would have been in the 1960’s and 1970’s whilst he was employed as a Joiner at George Moore’s in Leeds where he made kitchen units and later when he was employed at Mitchell & Co in Leeds where he made windows and doors.
Norman also instructed Irwin Mitchell to assist both of them to prepare a Will following the terminal diagnosis. They did not have any children and they decided to leave their Estate to four charities that were very close to their own heart, namely The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund, Mesothelioma UK, Macmillan Cancer Support and the British Liver Trust.
During his lifetime, Norman did investigate treatment options and he underwent chemotherapy treatment and had started to investigate private immunotherapy treatment.
Regrettably, Norman’s condition deteriorated and he died on 27th April 2017. Bernadette was devastated by his death and unexpectedly she also passed away on 28th June 2017.
Irwin Mitchell were then instructed by their family to continue Norman and Bernadette’s fight for justice and to also seek to recover a settlement award to benefit the four charities in accordance with their wishes.
Expert Opinion
“Regrettably Norman was never warned about the dangers of asbestos when he was a young lad and as a result of that exposure, he lost years in his later life.
“Claims that result in a settlement award of this nature are not common and this is the first time that I have continued a claim to benefit four charities. However, after spending time with both Norman and Bernadette, I know they will be pleased with the outcome.
“Prior to his death, Norman was also investigating immunotherapy treatment and the fact that the settlement from his claim will be left to charities who will use the funds to invest in medical research for asbestos cancers such as immunotherapy is a memorable legacy to bequeath." Nicola Handley - Senior Associate Solicitor
Legacy income for charities is continuing to grow year on year and it now accounts for approximately a third of all income across the charitable sector and it is an forms an important element of income for many charities who are trying to raise awareness and assist patients and families that have been diagnosed with cancer.
The charities involved have spoken about the importance of the funds following the law firm secured the settlement.
Kate Hill, Trustee of the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund, said: “We are immensely grateful to Mr and Mrs Rose for remembering the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund in this way. Their legacy will help the Fund to support important research that will lead to better treatments and improved care for patients with mesothelioma.”
Jill Lemon, Fundraising Manager at Mesothelioma UK, said: “Mesothelioma UK are delighted to hear about the result of this claim, being named one of the beneficiaries of Mr and Mrs Rose’s estate is a true testament to the importance of patients having access to their local Mesothelioma Nurse Specialist.”
Audrey Cornelius, Fundraising Manager at British Liver Trust, added: “We are extremely grateful to Mr and Mrs Rose and their family for choosing to support the British Liver Trust in their Wills.
“Gifts in Wills are absolutely essential to charities like the British Liver Trust, such gifts are helping to fund our helpline, Love Your Liver campaign and our patient and family support services, as well as vital research. Gifts in Wills can help the charities we all care about to continue their work long into the future.”
If you require any further information in relation to the charities or legal advice following a diagnosis of an asbestos disease, please feel free to contact Nicola Handley at Nicola.handley@irwinmitchell.com or on 0113 220 6233.