Irwin Mitchell Support Traumatic Brain Injury Research Project
An EU funded study looking to advance the care for patients with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) - a field of medicine with one of the greatest unmet needs - is starting to recruit patients in Sheffield.
An event is being held at the Showroom and Workstation on Paternoster Row on Tuesday 23 June between 6pm and 8pm to showcase the research plans and to show how people may be able to support the valuable work. The event is aiming to reach providers of care for brain injured people as well as charities who are working with people affected by TBI.
Dr Jonathan Coles, Chief Investigator for UK sites based at Cambridge will be speaking at the event as well as lawyer Yogi Amin from Irwin Mitchell .
The CENTER-TBI Project aims to better characterise TBI as a disease and describe it in a European context and identify the most effective clinical interventions for managing TBI.
Dr George Eapen, who is leading the research along with a multidisciplinary team including dedicated research nurses at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, said: “This research aims to gather information from 5800 TBI patients so that we can analyse and compare the effectiveness of treatments from about 70 centres in 20 European countries. Despite many advances in basic science, progress in clinical research for TBI has not kept track and this study will help develop clinical guidelines and precision medicine to treat TBI patients in future. It is part of a global initiative to help improve outcomes in brain injured patients and it is essential that as a community we can contribute to making this study a success in South Yorkshire. ”
Expert Opinion
“Every day we deal with people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and it is really important that research projects such as this receive the support they need to really make a difference. With better rehabilitation, support and therapy, patients can often make a remarkable recovery and can regain a higher level of independence and quality of life.” Louise Jenkins - Partner
If you or a loved one has suffered a serious head or brain injury as the result of an accident, our serious injury solicitors could help you to claim compensation. Visit our Brain & Head Injury Compensation Claims page for more information.