A dreadful stroke left Jon with a life-changing brain injury. Our medical negligence solicitors are helping Jon and his family to access the specialist support and rehabilitation he needs to turn his frustration into hope for a brighter future.
Before his stroke, Jon worked as a gas engineer, managing 15 people. He loved his job and used to enjoy having a joke with his friends, but he can’t find the words to joke anymore.
In November 2018, Jon experienced a severe headache, vomiting and an aversion to light. These symptoms worsened and one week later, he was diagnosed with having a stroke. Jon now has a brain injury, suffers from significant anxiety, and gets frustrated frequently. Jon and his wife Michelle decided to get in touch with our specialist medical negligence solicitors. They needed support with his case and a comprehensive rehabilitation package.
Jon’s Life Is Turned Upside Down
After experiencing an acute headache, combined with vomiting, Jon initially took painkillers and over-the-counter anti-sickness medication. Two days later he visited his GP and explained his symptoms. The GP suggested Jon had a migraine and that he continue taking Nurofen.
Unfortunately, his symptoms worsened and so three days later his wife called the out-of-hours GP who advised that Jon needed to go to hospital immediately. Michelle took him to hospital and after seeing a doctor, Jon was diagnosed with a viral illness, and prescribed fluids and paracetamol. Michelle was unhappy with the diagnosis, telling the doctor she was very concerned and that he needed investigating.
But no further investigations were arranged and Jon was discharged home.
A few days later, Jon became incoherent when speaking. Michelle called an ambulance and while Jon was in the hospital, he deteriorated. After a CT head scan and MRI, Jon was transferred to the Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery for further investigation. Test results showed that Jon experienced a stroke and two aneurysms. He underwent operations in December 2018 and January 2019, and was in rehabilitation until he was discharged in March 2019.
As this happened during the festive period, it was really difficult for Jon and his family. Jon recalls Santa coming to the ward and giving out presents, which made his daughter break down because of the severity of what had happened to him.
Helping Jon To Financially Secure His Future
It wasn’t until Jon got home that he realised the severity of the injury. “I remember when I came back home for the first time, I couldn’t look in the mirror at all. It just felt like it wasn’t me”. It was at this point that they decided that they needed some legal advice and contacted Irwin Mitchell.
Jon’s solicitors, Kristofer Inskip and Ruth Thomas, took the time to explain the process. Their expertise made Jon and Michelle feel comfortable and informed every step of the way. Jon is extremely grateful for their ongoing support. He says, “they’re there to help you and that’s what they’ve done for me from the start, they’re amazing to work with”.
While his case is ongoing, Kris and Ruth have been able to secure some interim payments for Jon. Now he can access the specialist support and rehabilitation he needs for his recovery.
How Jon’s Brain Injury Has Changed His Life
Jon explains, “I’m struggling to find the right words for things and my wife is struggling because she doesn’t understand it, you’ve got to train your brain everything”.
Due to his injury, Jon’s life has completely changed. He has ongoing problems with the right side of his body, impaired dexterity and fine motor skills. He has balance problems and right-side hearing impairment. He also struggles with communication, fatigue and concentration.
Jon’s had to change his job role and work pattern, and now works from home because he can’t cope with the noise of an office. He says, “I have got to the point where I am a quiet man now”.
Looking Ahead To A Brighter Future
Before his stroke, Jon was very focused on his job. Everything was about work. Now everything is about his family, his wife and his two daughters, who’ve been so supportive throughout his journey to recovery.
As Jon looks ahead to a more positive future, he wants to experience new places and travel around the UK in his camper van. He’s also working on writing a book about his experience and what the journey to recovery is like. He hopes that by sharing his story, he’ll help other people who’ve had strokes.
Jon says, “I want to tell people who have had a stroke that they can read my story, and I hope that it will help them in a certain way”.
If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury, our medical negligence solicitors may be able to help. Speak to our friendly team today on 0370 1500 100 or get in touch online.