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Irwin Mitchell

Mesothelioma – why legal advice is more essential than ever

By Helen Tomlin an asbestos-related disease lawyer at Irwin Mitchell With a decision expected imminently from NICE (National Institute...

David Withers

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Exploring the scale of abuse and the support available to those in need

by Samantha Burnard, a serious injury solicitor at Irwin Mitchell specialising in applications to the Criminal Injuries Compensation...

Richard Biggs

New insights into chronic pain following recent research

by Lauren Haas, a serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell As part of my work as a solicitor representing injured people of all ages and...

David Withers

Haircut "mods" were not the only "mods" on offer at the hairdressers

I went for a haircut at the weekend. As I was waiting, I saw an advert. The advert was for an individual who could make repairs and...

Andrew Hewitt

Supreme Court judgment welcome news for tourists injured abroad and lawyers in a post-Brexit world

by Demetrius Danas, an international serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell After what seemed like an interminable delay, but in reality...

Laura Daly

Smear Tests Save Lives

By James Pink, a medical negligence lawyer at Irwin Mitchell I was interested to read about Laura McAdam who had no symptoms of cancer...

Alexander Davenport

Ajax Armoured Vehicle Hearing Loss: Military Personnel Left With Hearing Loss Following Vehicle Testing.

By Alexander Davenport and Carol Purang In 2010 the British Army looked to find a new multi-role, fully-digitised armoured fighting...

Anita Jewitt

Psychiatric Injury following baby loss - when will the law catch up?

by Alisha Puri, medical negligence solicitor at Irwin Mitchell Over 100 charities such as Tommy’s and SANDS  come together to form the...

Alexander Davenport

Puberty Blockers - What is informed consent?

The Court of Appeal (CoA) recently handed down their judgment in the landmark case surrounding the provision of puberty-blocking medical...

Cheryl Palmer-Hughes

A Work Trip with a Difference

by Daniel Matchett, an international serious injury solicitor at Irwin Mitchell I recently wrote on the emerging travel market in space...

David Johnston-Keay

Health and Safety Executive cracks down hard on dust

by Zoe Livadeas, a workplace illness trainee solicitor at Irwin Mitchell  Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that can be deadly...

Laura Daly

Too big to manage: Is the largest NHS Trust in England struggling under its own weight?

By Chris Hurlston, medical negligence solicitor at Irwin Mitchell The biggest NHS trust in England has been told it requires improvement...

Andrew Hewitt

Living and dying with mesothelioma in a pandemic

By Michaela Morris, a client liaison manager at Irwin Mitchell Since the start of 2020, we’ve all lived with the global threat of...

David Withers

Baby Loss Awareness Week: Let's break the silence around baby loss

By Michael Turner, a serious injury paralegal at Irwin Mitchell  Whist miscarriage, stillbirth and neo-natal death are not issues that I...

Anita Jewitt

AbleStay: Bringing accessibility to London

London claims to be one of the most accessible cities in Europe – but where do you stay in London if you have a disability? And what does...

Anita Jewitt

60% of patients with cancer symptoms did not receive specialist referral within two weeks – Is there a treatment blackhole?

by Ryan Blake, Medical Negligence solicitor at Irwin Mitchell A study led by the University of Exeter, working with University College...

Yogi Amin

Bespoke provision of education outside a conventional classroom – legal update

Authored by Alexander Davenport,  & Erin Smart, Education and Human Rights Expert Education is a vitally important part of a child’s...

David Withers

How Much?! Damages Awards – Know Your Facts

by Kate Venn, an Associate Solicitor in our National Serious Injury Team  It was recently confirmed that Jem Stansfield has been awarded...

David Withers

E-Scooters – Delivery platforms serving up problems

By Jack Lloyd, serious injury specialist at Irwin Mitchell  As the autumn draws in, unfortunately the debate around the safety of...

Anita Jewitt

Is the drop in life expectancy all doom and gloom? It seems the answer is not yet known

by Ryan Blake, medical negligence solicitor at Irwin Mitchell The effect of covid-19 can be seen far and wide, however, the Office for...

Cheryl Palmer-Hughes

Return to the skies and the need for safe travel

by Anthe Korelidou and Demetrius Danas, international serious injury lawyers at Irwin Mitchell The Covid-19 pandemic created an...

Andrew Hewitt

The amazing work hospices carry out in supporting families at a time of need

by Helen Tomlin, asbestos-related disease lawyer at Irwin Mitchell The modern hospice movement was founded by Dame Cicely Saunders in...

Anita Jewitt

Does Sarah Harding's death and a trend of younger women being diagnosed with breast cancer mean age should be taken out of the equation?

by Alisha Puri, medical negligence solicitor at Irwin Mitchell Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. About one in...

Richard Biggs

Back to school: Proposed changes to the Highway Code and considering pedestrians and cyclists outside of schools and nurseries

by Ruth Johnson, serious injury at Irwin Mitchell I regularly do the school and nursery pick ups . I often see near misses outside of...

Cheryl Palmer-Hughes

Laying down the law on unruly air passengers

Thinking of taking to the skies soon? With the US opening its borders to vaccinated travellers, now might be a good time to brush up on...

Yogi Amin

£20 Universal Credit uplift cut will further deepen the struggles of many

Written by Melissa Davis, Senior Benefits Advisor at Irwin Mitchell Universal Credit was introduced in 2013 and is a lifeline benefit for...

Andrew Hewitt

The Coroner Service: Where are we now?

By Ayse Ince, medical negligence lawyer at Irwin Mitchell This morning I created some space, some thinking time to really absorb the...

Andrew Hewitt

Investment key to improving maternity care at Merthyr's Prince Charles Hospital

By Julie Lewis, medical negligence partner at Irwin Mitchell I was interested to read the Welsh Government cabinet statement issued on...

Anita Jewitt

World Patient Safety Day 2021 – Maternity Care Matters: Learning After harm

By Guy Forster, Medical Negligence Partner at Irwin Mitchell The World Health Organisation has launched 2021’s World Patient Safety Day,...

Yogi Amin

Cuts to Children and Adult Social Services threaten services for the most vulnerable in the Newcastle area

This article is authored by Alexander Terry, Public Law Solicitor In March 2021, Newcastle City Council (NCC) approved £40m of cuts to...