It's often easier to find a restaurant on Google Maps than to find local charities and community groups but one organisation is working to change that
By Jade Elliott-Archer, a solicitor at Irwin Mitchell
We're proud to partner with aDoddle, a website that's helping to bring communities closer together. We are calling on charities and local community groups in Coventry to sign up to the aDoddle platform. It is free for organisations to list their profiles on the platform, and free for potential service users and volunteers to search the maps to find support and opportunities in their local area.
What is aDoddle?
We live in a digital world where we can find everything at a click of a button - or do we?
aDoddle founder, Jaki King, noted that in the UK, there are over 150,000 charities, and thousands more community groups and projects, who provide a range of support and opportunities for people. But people sometimes struggle to find and access this support.
aDoddle is about 'joining the dots'. They aim to help people discover, connect with and shape their local community, bringing vital information together in one place. They work to make it 'aDoddle' to access support and resources available locally, regionally and nationally.
The community maps enable service users or potential volunteers to identify charity or community groups in their local area.
The maps help to:
- Connect and signpost those who need support to those who provide it
- Those experiencing isolation to find local groups and connections
- Charities highlight their services and volunteering opportunities.
Irwin Mitchell is delighted to partner with aDoddle to sponsor their new Coventry Community Map.
We work with many clients who've suffered severe and life-changing injuries, and it can be challenging for them to know who to turn to.
Since the pandemic, this has become even more challenging as statutory services are often stretched. As well as providing legal support, we always look at the wider picture. We try to help our clients improve their quality of life, which may involve signposting to different organisations.
We also work with various charities to provide volunteers, support and sponsorship, and we love that aDoddle are making it ‘a doddle’ to find and connect with charities. We know the platform will benefit individuals and charities across Coventry.
Personally, I'm excited to launch this partnership in Coventry, as it's my home town. It's a city with a diverse population and a range of brilliant charitable organisations that we want to support.
Find out more, how to access services or how charities and community groups can sign up at the aDoddle website.