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Nicola Gooch

Obtain Planning Permission, You Must: Teignbridge Council faces a galactic planning en-force-ment issue

Teignbridge Council has found itself in the unusual position of having to fend off what appears, at first glance, to be an imperial...

Irwin Mitchell

Fascinating insights into the role of property in the UK economy

The Property Data Report by the Property Industry Alliance contains a wealth of information about the value of real estate in the UK...

Joanne Moseley

Apprentice winner claims 85% of interviewers admit to asking "off limits" questions

According to research undertaken by Ricky Martin's* recruitment firm, HRS, over three-quarters (77%) of interviewers surveyed said they...

Nicola Gooch

Is the 'Hay Bale Castle' saga finally coming to an end?

One of England's most notorious planning enforcement matters looks as if it might be in its final stages after a 'bench' arrest warrant...

Nicola Gooch

The Last Autumn Statement.... but no Housing White Paper

Philip Hammond has just delivered the Autumn Statement and wiser heads than mine will be analysing its contents as I type. Although the...

Joanne Moseley

FAQs about redundancy

We answer some of the trickier questions about redundancies that don’t involve collective consultation. Q1: We are going to have to make...

Irwin Mitchell

Another view on "Land Banking"

Quite rightly, the Housebuilding industry has been relieved and justified in the way that the  interim Letwin report published last week...

Irwin Mitchell

Give small builders a leg up... not just some bad health and safety advice, it is the call from a cross party group of MPs who have released a report today with...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

VAT zero-rating denied for conversion of partly non-residential property into dwellings

The Upper Tribunal has denied VAT zero-rating for dwellings converted from partly non-residential and partly residential areas in a...

Irwin Mitchell

Snow limit to the perks on offer...

Whilst waiting for the housing white paper it is always worth observing what perks the luxury developers are offering at their prime...

Nicola Gooch

Ministers pave the way for the Housing White Paper by pre-announcing its content

As a wise man* once said there appears to be a pattern associated with major government policy announcements.  First there is a week or...

Nicola Gooch

The road to permitted development is paved with good intentions... High Court tells Hounslow that what they meant to do, matters a whole lot less than what they actually did

Last week, the Administrative Court had the thankless task of informing the London Borough of Hounslow that an Article 4 Direction, which...

Nicola Gooch

Monday Morning News Flash: MHCLG Announce extended Agricultural to Residential PD Rights to come into effect on 6 April

Hot on the heels of last week's onslaught of planning consultations, Dominic Raab, our newest Housing Minister, has just announced that...

Joanne Moseley

Top employment cases that will shape 2018/19

We have identified the cases which will have a big impact on employment law and HR policies and practices over the next 12 months. These...

Nicola Gooch

Affordable Housing: The only winner in the spending review?

Hidden amongst all of the doom and gloom of the spending review, which is due to set out billions of pounds of cuts in spending, is a...

Nicola Gooch

Chancellor unveils four point plan to 'get Britain building'

The government has formally announced its 'four point plan' to encourage development in the UK. Key measures include: The further...

Nicola Gooch

Communities Secretary: Housing is Number One Priority

It appears, from today's coverage in Planning Resource , that Sajid Javid's speech at the conservative party conference was very...

Nicola Gooch

The Community Infrastructure Levy: funds raised does not equal infrastructure delivered

It has been a busy old week in the world of planning. The Repeal Bill has been published, albeit under a new name; St Albans lost its...

Nicola Gooch

In the first week of Advent, DCLG gave to me....

This the first of four posts based on a popular Christmas song, each of which will contain a quick recap of the week's news from DCLG. In...

Nicola Gooch

Supportive of Tunbridge Wells: A local view of the ABC Cinema Site and its lack of Affordable Housing.

Those of you who have a Planning Resource subscription may have noticed an article, published yesterday, which commented on a mixed use...

Nicola Gooch

Consensus grows on the need for more specialist housing

Two independent reports have been published in the last four weeks that highlight the UK's increasing shortage of retirement housing.  In...

Nicola Gooch

National Planning Guidance on Small Sites exemption is officially re-instated

DCLG has now reinstated the Planning Practice Guidance that gives effect to the Small Sites exemption; which was declared lawful by the...

Nicola Gooch

Budget 2017: Disappointing CIL Reforms & Other 'News'

It is probably a good thing that I have not been waiting on today's CIL announcement with bated breath.  For one thing, the Government's...

Joanne Moseley

Is your employee sick or skiving?

New statistics released today by the ELAS Group identify the dates in the first half of the year with the highest absence rates.  Mondays...

Irwin Mitchell

How easy is it to change a contract? Often not very!

Although the specific facts of the dispute between junior doctors and Jeremy Hunt are pretty unique and will not be of direct relevance...

Nicola Gooch

Election 2017 - Manifesto Week: Conservatives on Planning

The Conservatives have been in government for the last two years. During that time they have introduced two major pieces of planning...

Nicola Gooch

Housing Crisis takes centre stage at Labour Conference

With the Conservative Government's controversial proposals to extend the Right to Buy to Housing Association properties dominating the...

Nicola Gooch

Merry Gove-mas! The revised NPPF lands....with a stocking full of further announcements, interventions and funding pledges..

So there we have it. The revised NPPF has arrived. A mere twelve months after the consultation draft was published; nine months after...

Nicola Gooch

LURB in the Lords: The Bill enters its Report Stage

The Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill has finally entered report stage in the House of Lords after extensive debates in the committee.  A...

Nicola Gooch

All that's left is LURB.... The Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill comes out of Committee

Well, I think it is fair to say that this last week has certainly been... dramatic....   In the midst of all of the chaos, drama, and...