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Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Automotive Sector

On 13th November 2019, Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla, announced that, because of Brexit-related fears, Tesla would construct its...

Nicola Gooch

Politics and Planning: Tis the Season for Mixed Messages

A bit like preparations for Christmas, the  season of pre-budget reporting seems to begin earlier each year. We are just over four weeks...

Nicola Gooch

And now for something completely different - Let's take a break from politics and talk PropTech

This morning, whilst listening to Radio 4, I heard: "There has been an awful lot of politics lately".  This single sentence neatly sums...

Nicola Gooch

Manifesto Watch 2019: How do the Parties compare on Housing Policy?

There is only a day to go until the election and the one thing that all commentators can agree on is that there are a lot of undecided...

Joanne Moseley

Five employment cases that have affected the education sector in 2019

As December looms we look back on the cases that have significantly impacted on the education sector over the last 12 months. Holiday pay...

Irwin Mitchell

Unbuckling the green belt

Any decision to build on the green belt is going to be controversial. There is a clear need to increase supply of all types of home...

Joanne Moseley

Government report shows gender pay gaps are narrowing but still favour men

The Government Equalities Office has published a summary of reported data for 2018/19 which indicates that there have been some...

Irwin Mitchell

SDLT Rates for Grounds and/or Gardens of a Residential Dwelling

A recent case, Hyman v Revenue & Customs [2019] UKFTT 469 (TC), has brought clarity to Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) rates for the purchase...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and Free Ports

In early August 2019, the UK Government announced that it is planning to create up to 10 "free ports", around seaports and airports,...

Nicola Gooch

Manifesto Watch: How the Parties Compare on Green Belt, PD Rights and Housing Delivery

Election Season is now firmly underway, with Manifesto releases from Labour, the Lib Dems and the Green Party this week.... and some...

Irwin Mitchell

Some light relief... The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd (formerly General Motors UK Ltd) [2019] UKSC 46

The Supreme Court yesterday upheld the decisions of the Court of Appeal and, prior to that, the High Court, and ruled that relief from...

Nicola Gooch

A Tale of Two Interventions: Mixed Messages from MHCLG on Green Belt release in Local Plans

The last few days have been... well... interesting... for those of us who spend our time keeping an eye on the workings of MHCLG.   In...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and focussing (a little bit!) on a "Yes Deal" scenario

There has been a lot of focus in the UK recently on putting in place  the  necessary legislation to deal with a "No Deal" Brexit...

Irwin Mitchell

Treehouse of Horrors or just another little dig at permitted development rights?

Just last week the popular press has reported on a tree house in Lincolnshire being threatened with planning enforcement. The summer...

Joanne Moseley

Knowledge and disability: what do you know and when did you find out?

What happens if you discover your employee has a disability after you've dismissed them but before you determine their appeal. Do you...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

Developer Uses Prescriptive Rights to Develop Land

The case of Stanning v Baldwin reported last week is a useful example of how prescriptive rights can be used to facilitate development of...

Irwin Mitchell

A red mist descends on the Housing horizon.

It was pointed out in a recent Linkedin exchange that the first Minister to concede that we are in a full blown housing crisis was Nick...

Elizabeth Thomson

Court of Appeal does not sit on the fence when it comes to easements....

Real estate expert, Ryan Smale, examines a recent case concerning a possible fencing easement. Introduction In Churston Golf Club Ltd v...

Irwin Mitchell

"Single Family Housing" gathers pace in the US

There is an interesting piece on Bisnow about the rise in the US of portfolios of institutionally rented houses ("Single family housing")...

Joanne Moseley

European court tells employers to properly measure the length of time their staff are working

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has today handed down an important judgment about working time in the case of CCOO v...

Nicola Gooch

From Planning Minister to Prime Minister? Some Manifesto Suggestions for Kit Malthouse

The revolving door at MHCLG* looks set to keep right on spinning, as not just one, but three, former Planning Ministers have thrown their...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and cross-border business operations

Amongst the UK Government's myriad "no deal" technical notices is the one dated 12 October 2018 and entitled : "Structuring your business...

Elizabeth Thomson

A retailer's guide to leases

In a series of 3 articles which first appeared in Estates Gazette, Guy Whitehead takes a closer look at leases from the perspective of a...

Joanne Moseley

Immigration: White Paper sets out post-Brexit rules for employing migrants

The long overdue White Paper on immigration has  been published today. As expected, the government intends to end the free movement of EU...

Irwin Mitchell

Country Living ain't easy - the Lords have their say...

Over the weekend the House of Lords Select Committee on the Rural Economy has called on the Government to develop a rural strategy and...

Nicola Gooch

The Pain of Prior Approval: How user-friendly will the proposed extension to permitted development rights actually be?

Back in 2015, the Government raised the prospect of creating a new permitted development right, allowing commercial buildings to be...

Joanne Moseley

When should you involve occupational health?

The decision of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in the case of  Lamb v The Garrard Academy reminds organisations that if they don't refer...

Nicola Gooch

Obtain Planning Permission, You Must: Teignbridge Council faces a galactic planning en-force-ment issue

Teignbridge Council has found itself in the unusual position of having to fend off what appears, at first glance, to be an imperial...

Joanne Moseley

Apprentice winner claims 85% of interviewers admit to asking "off limits" questions

According to research undertaken by Ricky Martin's* recruitment firm, HRS, over three-quarters (77%) of interviewers surveyed said they...

Irwin Mitchell

Fascinating insights into the role of property in the UK economy

The Property Data Report by the Property Industry Alliance contains a wealth of information about the value of real estate in the UK...