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Elizabeth Thomson

On the Third Day of Christmas 2020...

… real estate disputes expert, Malcolm Worrell, examines a Supreme Court decision on the effect of a landlord's covenant to enforce other...

Irwin Mitchell

Skill shortages and house building - bad combination

As ever, gaining a skill will give you a much better chance of getting a job that pays well. If you are not 'academic' train as a...

Irwin Mitchell

Alternative dispute resolution and costs sanctions – Three recent High Court judgments

By Ailsa Anderson and Kate Williams Well advised parties to litigation will engage in alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”). Three...

Irwin Mitchell

Pensions, Pooling and Infrastructure

Investment and Pensions in Europe has an interesting article in their November issue on the pressures on UK Local Government Pension...

Joanne Moseley

Can you fairly dismiss a teacher suspected of downloading illegal images of children?

You'd think the answer to this is a definitive 'yes'. However, the Scottish EAT's decision in K v L reveals how difficult it is for...

Irwin Mitchell

Can Prefab homes solve the UK's housing crisis

We want to share banking and development specialist Laura Mitchell's article for the Manchester Property Group on how modular and offsite...

Irwin Mitchell

Measuring Property - Don't forget - the standards change May 1st for offices and residential!

Just a quick reminder that the Second edition of the RICS measuring standards comes into force on May 1st.  Applying the International...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit, coronavirus and the World Health Organisation

According to its website, the primary role of the World Health Organisation (WHO) is "to direct and co-ordinate international health...

Stephanie Reeves

Business Interruption Insurance: an unexpected judgment

By Stephanie Reeves and Ted Powell, Commercial Dispute Resolution  On 15 September 2020, the High Court handed down its...

Joanne Moseley

Returning to work: how to deal with staff without childcare

From Saturday 4 July, many businesses - including pubs and restaurants - will be able to open for the first time since the lock-down....

Jane Anderson

Update to the Guidance on Responsible Contractual Behaviour During COVID-19

On 7 May 2020 the Government produced “Guidance on responsible contractual behaviour in the performance and enforcement of contracts...

Joanne Moseley

New government guidance to get England back to work

Yesterday evening the government published guidance designed to "make workplaces as safe as possible and give people confidence to go...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and EU approval of UK Government State Aid packages in the era of coronavirus

The European Commission issued a press release on 6 April 2020, confirming that it had approved, under EU state aid rules, a £50 billion...

Nicola Gooch

Can further Judicial Intervention save the Duty to Co-operate? Sevenoaks to get their day(s) in Court over Local Plan

Yesterday, Sevenoaks District Council published a press release confirming that their legal battle with PINS over their emerging local...

Joanne Moseley

Holidays and quarantine: school and college questions answered

On Saturday night, the government announced it was removing Spain from the list of countries on its travel corridor scheme. This means...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and a House of Lords Debate

On 16 March 2020 , the House of Lords, acting through its EU Select Committee, exercised its statutory right under section 29 of the...

Nicola Gooch

Your Housing is Out for Delivery: Covid 19, Five Year Housing Land Supply and Deliverability

The implications of Covid-19 and lockdown have pre-occupied most of us over the last few months; but whilst developers have been focused...

Nicola Gooch

Budget 2018: Letwin, CIL and Land Value Capture - It's all about the money

We are only 7 days out from this year's budget, so we can expect an increasing amount of pre-announcements, spoilers and speculation as...

Elizabeth Thomson

Enforcement covenants, a breach too far

By Vanessa Horn, Practice Development Lawyer In May 2020 the Supreme Court gave its judgment in Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Ltd. It...

Nicola Gooch

Land-Banking: The Myth that will not Die?

Anyone reading the papers today will have spotted reports about the Local Government Association's latest research, which is being used...

Joanne Moseley

Pensions and furloughing - key issues for employers

Pensions expert, Penny Cogher takes a look at the issues employers need to be aware of when making pension contributions to furloughed...

Joanne Moseley

Re-opening schools and colleges - employers questions answered

The government has asked schools and FE colleges to start to re-open from 1 June for some students and has published guidance to support...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: eight tips to support staff working from home

Since the lock down, anyone who could work from home has been expected to do so. Many of us are now into our fourth or fifth week of...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: FAQs returning to work

On Sunday evening the Prime Minister "actively encouraged" those people who couldn't work from home to return to work if their workplace...

Nicola Gooch

London Councils express concern over proposed hike in Mayoral CIL rates.

Over the summer, the Mayor of London ran a consultation which proposed significantly increasing the rates of Mayoral CIL charged across...

Nicola Gooch

To Boldly Go Where No Plan Has Gone Before.... Intervention and Innovation at MHCLG

These are the voyages of the Starship MHCLG. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new policies. To seek out new guidance and new...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: FAQ’s about pregnancy and ‘high risk’ individuals

1. Can we ask a pregnant woman to start her maternity leave early? No – not unless she is absent from work on account of a pregnancy...

Joanne Moseley

Is your employee sick or skiving?

Today is #nationalsickie day and a good opportunity to re-run the most popular article I've ever written. How do you tell if your...

Nicola Gooch

Everyday I'm Shuffling: A brief round-up of Politics, Planning & the odd court case

It has been an  eventful few days,  so this post is going to be a little bit of a mash-up of current events. Starting, of course, with: A...

Joanne Moseley

Coronavirus: FAQs about self isolation, pay and holidays

1. If staff are self-isolating during a pre-booked holiday, is this treated as holiday or absence and can they reclaim their holiday?...