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Joanne Moseley

DfE publishes new guidance on home schooling

The DfE guidance on elective home education has been updated and applies to both schools and local authorities The number of children...

Irwin Mitchell

Waste not, want not...

These days, every day has a title but 24 April 2019 is Stop Food Waste Day and, now in its third year, never before has its dilemmatic...

Irwin Mitchell

The glow of one warm thought is worth more than money...

As I headed off to a pre Easter touring production of Les Mis I half eyed up a flowery (Thomas Jefferson) quote whilst also reading the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the environment

Bearing in mind the postponement  of the Brexit "exit day" until 11pm UK time on 31st October 2019 which was agreed between the UK and...

Irwin Mitchell

Government to consult on 'open-ended' tenancies and the end of 'no fault eviction

The Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government have announced a new consultation on ending the ability to end an AST on two...

Nicola Gooch

PD or Not PD, That is the Question: Are permitted development rights being unfairly demonised?

As the youngest of three children, I seem to have spent much of my formative years arguing about whether blame had been fairly attributed...

Lorraine Rose-Dugdale

Land Registry Makes it Easier to Re-Mortgage

The Land Registry’s digital service “Sign your mortgage deed” was launched a year ago and is now being offered by major high street...

Joanne Moseley

Do you have to pay staff for doing "a bit extra" before or after work?

That was the question the employment tribunal had to answer in Fitz v Holland and Barrett. Mr Fitz worked under a series of fixed hours...

Nicola Gooch

The Green Belt Untied: Councils mull green-belt release as a solution to housing shortfalls

Below is a story that came out in Planning Resource last week, which details three local plans that are progressing on the basis  of...

Joanne Moseley

Union campaigns for one NMW rate

The National Minimum Wage has been in force for 20 years. To mark its anniversary, the union UNISON has launched a campaign to get rid of...

Joanne Moseley

Worried about the impact of Brexit on your workforce? New ACAS guidance may help

The UK is due to leave the EU by automatic operation of law on 12 April* unless the government's  beleaguered Withdrawal Agreement is...

Irwin Mitchell

Reforms ahead for the retirement living sector as consultation responses published

Colleague and retirement living specialist David Hutber notes the following: March 2019 was an important month for the retirement living...

Joanne Moseley

Home Office publishes "right to work checks" that will apply post Brexit

The UK is due to leave the EU on 12 April 2019* by automatic operation of law unless the Government's  beleaguered Withdrawal Agreement...

Joanne Moseley

Do your staff realise they can be prosecuted for unlawfully accessing your data?

These three (presumably) didn't and now have criminal convictions.  Faye Caughey worked for an NHS Foundation Trust and was authorised to...

Stephanie Reeves

The new FOS regime is here - what YOU need to know

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has confirmed that with effect from today (1 April 2019), the scope of the Financial Ombudsman...

Nicola Gooch

Affordability and Housing Need: The statistics rollercoaster rides again.

Given the levels of high political drama dominating the news cycle at present*, you would be forgiven for missing the fact that the...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and challenges to the validity of retained EU law

One of the trickiest aspects of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 ("EUWA"), which is the UK Act designed to implement Brexit , is...

Irwin Mitchell

Co-op ordered to pay £1.3m in costs for not complying with GSCOP

By Rob Coleridge and Amelia Darbo The importance of compliance with the Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP) has been reinforced...

Joanne Moseley

Seasonal workers pilot opens for fruit and vegetable farmers

The seasonal workers pilot, announced by the Home Secretary and Environment Secretary in September 2018 , has now opened.  Fruit and...

Joanne Moseley

New schools Governance Handbook released

The Department for Education has released an updated Governance Handbook. It applies to academies, multi-academy trusts and maintained...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the extension of Article 50 - a legal conundrum

On 22 March 2019  the UK and the EU agreed to defer the "exit day" for Brexit to 11pm (UK time)  on 22 May 2019 if the House of Commons...

Nicola Gooch

'Poor Doors' and Play Areas: The tricky issue of subsidising facilities for social housing

The Guardian recently published an article (below), which highlights the case of a development which was amended post grant of planning...

Joanne Moseley

How should you communicate with a woman on maternity leave?

Or indeed, any other member of staff away from the office taking adoption leave or shared parental leave? Can you send important...

Irwin Mitchell

Sports sponsorship – a balancing act on the scales of return and risk?

When Britain’s richest man decided to buy arguably the world’s biggest and most successful professional cycling team, the first question...

Elizabeth Thomson

Calculating rent under the new Electronic Communications Code: the first key decision

Ben Gildea, Real Estate Associate, considers the first decision on rent payable under the new Electronic Communications Code The Upper...

Joanne Moseley

Bosses who abuse workers are escaping prosecution

The Director of Labour Market Enforcement, Sir David Metcalf, has warned that employers who commit serious labour abuses are often...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Temporary Tariff Regime for a no deal Brexit

On 13th March 2019 the UK Government published its schedule of tariffs for imports, which is designed to come into force on "exit day" (...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

The Attorney General's Legal Opinion dated 12th March 2019 on the legal effect of the latest batch of Mrs May's draft Brexit Withdrawal...

Joanne Moseley

Updated Green Book recommends changes to TTO holiday accrual

The National Agreement on pay and conditions of service (otherwise known as the Green Book) was updated in March. Since then, we've been...

Nicola Gooch

It's a page right out of history! California faces planning headache over the 'Flintstone House'

I can never resist a good 'planning vs cultural icons' story.* This week's contribution comes from sunny California, and just goes to...