Coronavirus update: workers must receive SSP if they are caring for someone in self isolation
New Statutory Sick Pay rules relating to Coronavirus come into force today.
SSP must be paid to anyone:
- who is unable to work because they have been advised to self-isolate; or
- who is caring for someone in their household who displays symptoms of coronavirus and is asked to self-isolate.
We're still waiting for the legislation which will provide SSP from day one.
We've updated our FAQ's about Coronavirus as government advice has changed since we first published this. Please keep checking it as we are trying to keep up to date with all new developments.
We’ve also prepared a short, easy to understand policy which covers all the key issues such as notification, pay, emergency leave and home working.
In this time of crisis, we’d like to offer a free copy of the policy to anyone who would benefit. Please get in touch with Joanne Moseley if you'd like a copy.