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Jenny Arrowsmith

Workplace investigations demystified: 10 lessons from the tribunals

We are seeing an increased demand for guidance and training on how managers should conduct investigations in the context of grievances...

Joanne Moseley

Rape crisis centre deliberately harassed and unfairly dismissed counsellor who voiced gender critical beliefs

In Adams v Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre, a tribunal had to decide if an employee was discriminated by her employer because she didn't...

Nicola Gooch

Is it time for a more holistic approach to 'sustainable' development?

It's not easy being green.* Admittedly, when those words were first sung, it wasn't in the context of planning or development, but it is...

Adiba Firmansyah

What the education sector needs to know about the new energy efficiency regulations

Against the background of the Department for Education stating that they ‘are putting climate change at the heart of education’ and...

Glenn Hayes

Survey reveals the reality of ‘quiet firing’ in the manufacturing sector

Almost a third of employees working in the manufacturing sector claim they’ve been forced to leave their job due to their manager making...

Claire Petricca-Riding

Environmental weekly news round up – 17 May 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of our weekly Environment Law news update. As ever, we bring you developments, insights, and analysis in...

Nicola Gooch

Pretty Appealing: A selection box of recent High Court, Court of Appeal and Planning Appeal Decisions

Whilst planning may not be generally considered the "sexiest" profession in the world, it can certainly be pretty darn appealing... To...

Joanne Moseley

Designer refused promotion awarded £85,000 for age discrimination

In Sunderland v Superdry a tribunal had to decide if an experienced designer had been passed over for promotion because of her age. Facts...

Nicola Gooch

Infrastructure Levy under the spotlight: nobody expects the Planning Inquisition

There has been a lot of discussion about the new ‘Infrastructure Levy’ since the Levelling Up & Regeneration Bill was published. In this...

Nicola Gooch

CIL, S.106 Agreements & Affordable Housing Relief: What happens when the housing crisis hits political reality.

On Friday, the High Court handed down a decision which, in many ways, typifies the very essence of the housing crisis.  The case,...

Nicola Gooch

Back to Reality: High Court rules against Virtual Committees

Yesterday, the High Court laid to rest our last hope of virtual committee meetings being able to continue past 7 May 2021, when it handed...

Stephanie Reeves

Business Interruption Insurance – businesses win big in The Supreme Court

On 15 January 2021, the Supreme Court handed down its highly-anticipated appeal judgment in the Financial Conduct Authority’s (“FCA”)...

Nicola Gooch

And Now... We Wait: Important planning decisions which may (or may not) land before Christmas...

After a Summer where planning policy announcements seemed to flow faster than a jug of Pimm's at a picnic, and an early Autumn stuffed...

Irwin Mitchell

Brexit and the Joint Committee

The Joint Committee, set up under the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement to monitor and supervise implementation of that Agreement, met for the...

Joanne Moseley

Quarantine: how to deal with staff returning from holidays abroad

Many popular European holiday destinations have been removed from the 'travel corridor' scheme. Holiday makers returning to the UK from...

Irwin Mitchell

The impact of Covid-19 on supply chains: Time for a reformation

In this excellent article by Martin Thomsen (CEO of Rubix) (see the link below), he rightly points out (in my view) that the traditional...

Nicola Gooch

Once more with feeling: planning, politics and a plethora of announcements

The last few weeks have been an absolute whirlwind of legislation, policy announcements and promised reforms to the planning system. In...

Claire Petricca-Riding

Environmental weekly news round up – 3 May 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of our weekly Environment Law news update. As ever, we bring you developments, insights, and analysis in...

Joanne Moseley

Travel quarantine rules: employers questions answered

The government has, controversially, imposed quarantine measures for people entering the UK by plane, ferry or train. These rules apply...

Joanne Moseley

Government updates guidance on social distancing in the workplace

Last week, the government published new guidance on social distancing in workplaces that remain open during the Coronavirus pandemic. It...

Irwin Mitchell

£140 million for 100 council estates

The Government has announced a proposal to contribute £140 million of funding to regenerate 100 run-down council estates. The intention...

Irwin Mitchell

Don't just follow the Spec

Construction colleague Mike Plews has digested and summarised the high profile LSE glass failure case. People may remember stories about...

Elizabeth Thomson

Less common? – Supreme Court rules on the registration of land as a town or village green

Elliot Cuozzo, real estate trainee solicitor, considers a recent ruling. The Supreme Court has inflicted a significant blow on the legal...

Nicola Gooch

Home-Made Nuclear Bunker, built in 1982, becomes Grade II Listed Building

Historic England has awarded listed building status to a homemade nuclear fall-out shelter, erected in the owner's back garden in 1982....

Elizabeth Thomson

Adjudication rules remain work in progress

Here’s another case addressing the knotty combination of adjudication and insolvency. Emily Sinclair, associate solicitor at Irwin...

Nicola Gooch

Stop Trying to Make Fetch Happen! Lessons from the Tory Party Conference....

I am writing this post on October 3rd.*  As such, this blog will be devoted, in pretty much equal parts, to information gleaned from the...

Irwin Mitchell

Tackling the rise of bullying in the workplace

A recent ACAS report suggests that bullying in the workplace is more prevalent. Bullying itself is not an employment law claim that an...

Joanne Moseley

Workplace Mental Health: The Case For A Proactive Approach

As mental health conditions take over from back pain as the main source of work-related illness, we know the importance of the emotional...

Nicola Gooch

PD or Not PD, That is the Question: Are permitted development rights being unfairly demonised?

As the youngest of three children, I seem to have spent much of my formative years arguing about whether blame had been fairly attributed...

Nicola Gooch

CIL Appeal Decision: Failing to discharge pre-commencement conditions will not avoid CIL Liability

It is an age old proverb that that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. A proverb which can feel depressingly apt when...