Posts from June 2020
Enforcement covenants, a breach too far
By Vanessa Horn, Practice Development Lawyer In May 2020 the Supreme Court gave its judgment in Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Ltd. It...
30/06/20Legislation, Legislation, Legislation: A (comparatively) brief summary of the Business & Planning Bill and the New PD Rights
Last week, MHCLG were very busy indeed. In just three days, they released the Westferry Papers, launched a new set of changes to PD...
29/06/20Overclaimed furlough? Government explains how to pay it back
The government has today issued guidance to help employers repay HMRC if they've overclaimed through the Coronavirus Job Retention...
26/06/20When can employees who are shielding return to work? Employers questions answered
People on the clinically extremely vulnerable list are more likely to become extremely ill, or to die if they contract Covid. During...
26/06/20Is "deliverable" now settled?
Planning Magazine has this week reported on a Consent Order settled by the Secretary of State in respect of the word "deliverable" in the...
25/06/20Returning to work: how to deal with staff without childcare
From Saturday 4 July, many businesses - including pubs and restaurants - will be able to open for the first time since the lock-down....
25/06/20Happy Quarter Day?
By Lisa Stratford at Irwin Mitchell Now that businesses are reopening (and, soon, pubs and restaurants), landlords will want to ensure...
24/06/20Breaking: Supreme Court will determine how much holiday term-time workers must receive
Yesterday we heard that the Supreme Court has given permission for the employers to appeal against the Court of Appeal's decision in...
23/06/20Time to Take Note - MW High Tech Projects Limited v Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick Limited [2020] EWHC 1413 (TCC) by Ben Couldrey and James Mapley
In MW High Tech Projects Limited v Balfour Beatty Kilpatrick Limited [2020] EWHC 1413 (TCC), the TCC provided a useful illustration of...
23/06/20Legislation Alert: Extension of Planning Permissions and New Appeal Procedures to land this week
Yesterday, MHCLG announced that they will be introducing 'measures' this week to: Automatically extend the life of planning permissions...
23/06/20Coronavirus: are you considering temperature checks as part of your strategy to get staff back to work?
Last week, non-essential retail businesses were able to reopen to the public and it's now been confirmed other sectors such as...
22/06/20Are a third of employees asked to commit furlough fraud?
According to research 34% of 2,000 furloughed employees responding to a survey had been asked to work for their employer in breach of the...
19/06/20Bresco Electrical Services Ltd v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd [2020] UKSC 25
A case comment by Zoe Williams and James Mapley The Supreme Court has unanimously allowed Bresco’s appeal to determine that where...
19/06/20Your Housing is Out for Delivery: Covid 19, Five Year Housing Land Supply and Deliverability
The implications of Covid-19 and lockdown have pre-occupied most of us over the last few months; but whilst developers have been focused...
19/06/20Are you cleaning up contaminated land? Don't forget the tax relief!
In these times of economic crisis, obtaining extra value from a land purchase is a bonus. Don't forget about Land Remediation Relief...
18/06/20Travel quarantine rules: employers questions answered
The government has, controversially, imposed quarantine measures for people entering the UK by plane, ferry or train. These rules apply...
18/06/20Improving cash flow during COVID-19
The government has introduced a number of measures to assist businesses since the COVID-19 outbreak. Not all businesses are in a position...
17/06/20Project Restart – resuming play in a pandemic
It’s been a while since our stadiums were full of avid sports fans cheering on their teams, and the only sport we’ve seen on the...
16/06/20Nine million EasyJet customer details lost in data breach
In May 2020 hackers obtained the personal details of 9 million Easyjet customers and the credit card details of a further 2,000+. Sabrina...
15/06/20New flexible furlough scheme guidance published
Details of the new flexible furlough scheme available from Wednesday 1 July 2020 have now been published, via updates to existing guides....
15/06/20Civil Justice Council Report on the impact of COVID-19 on civil court users
Following the government ordered lockdown on 23 March 2020 the Courts and the Justice System in England and Wales had to act quickly in...
12/06/20The Great Planning Reform Act: Are we on the brink of a planning revolution?
The papers have been full of planning stories over the last couple of weeks. First, there was Westferry Printworks, then came the debate...
11/06/20Parents returning to work after maternity leave can be furloughed after 10 June
Yesterday, the government published a short news story which confirmed that parents on statutory maternity and paternity leave who return...
10/06/20Covid-19: Key considerations for schools dealing with school trips
By Jessica-Anne Johnson and Rob Coleridge With lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed worldwide to slow the spread of COVID-19,...
10/06/20Employers will not be penalised for making genuine mistakes when claiming furlough payments
According to the FT Advisor, HMRC has said it will take a lenient view of those businesses which make genuine mistakes when submitting...
09/06/20Risk and reputation management in the Covid-19 world and beyond
By Stephen Murphy and Georgie Collins at Irwin Mitchell Reputational risk is nothing new but in the extraordinary times we find ourselves...
09/06/2010 June - deadline for furloughing staff for first time
The Chancellor is making changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from Saturday 1 July [our blog explains the detail]. Remember:...
08/06/20Can further Judicial Intervention save the Duty to Co-operate? Sevenoaks to get their day(s) in Court over Local Plan
Yesterday, Sevenoaks District Council published a press release confirming that their legal battle with PINS over their emerging local...
05/06/20Do you need to include BAME and obese workers in your return to work risk assessments?
Earlier this week, Public Health England published its report on Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19. This concluded that...
04/06/20Are you Insured? Business Loss and COVID-19: FCA Response Update
By Jessica-Anne Johnson and Katie Byrne at Irwin Mitchell Thousands of businesses are still facing uncertainty in relation to their...