Parents returning to work after maternity leave can be furloughed after 10 June
Yesterday, the government published a short news story which confirmed that parents on statutory maternity and paternity leave who return to work before 31 October 2020 will be eligible to be furloughed even after 10 June cut-off date. However, this will only apply where they work for an employer who has previously furloughed employees.
The charity maternity action has been pressurising the government to make an exception to the 10 June cut off date for women on maternity leave who are not due to return until after that date. They argued that women returning to a workplace where most of the staff had been furloughed would be made redundant.
Although the press release only refers to 'maternity and paternity leave' we see no reason why this exemption won't be applied to individuals who have elected to take shared parental leave and to those on adoption leave. Paternity leave is for a period of two weeks and therefore it's odd the government has referenced that rather than these other forms of statutory leave. However, we'll have to wait for further guidance.
Today is the last day employees can be furloughed for the first time. Our recent blog explains the detail.
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