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Five-figure compensation for group that contracted Legionnaires’ disease in cottage’s hot tub
We helped Ian*, Angela*, and Paul* after they became ill shortly after using a hot tub at a holiday cottage. Our team secured a collective five-figure settlement for them.
Six-figure settlements for military personnel who sustained carbon monoxide poisoning
We helped Andrew* and Brian* secure a six-figure settlement after being wrongly advised on stove use while on military training.
Successful appeal against injury award by Veterans UK
Our specialist military injury team helped Ian successfully appeal Veterans UK’s awarding of his injury. We helped increase the financial support he’ll receive throughout his life.
Significant settlement for teenager who underwent negligent spinal surgery
Our medical negligence team has secured a significant settlement for Rachel*, who sustained life-changing injuries following spinal surgery to correct her scoliosis.
Million-pound compensation settlement in RAF PTSD claim
Our military injury claims team secured a £1.1 million settlement for a pilot after they developed PTSD serving in the RAF.
Two-million-pound settlement in army PTSD compensation claim
£750,000 settlement and support after multiple medical professionals prescribed negligent prescriptions
Sarah was prescribed ibuprofen and naproxen by separate medical professionals. This was despite both being contraindicated because of her history of duodenal ulcer.
Compensation for car spray painter who developed occupational asthma
We helped Paul claim compensation after he developed occupational asthma because of high levels of exposure to harmful chemicals.
£300,000 collective settlement for group claim against Mr Porky
Our public health team helped nine individuals claim against Mr Porky's products after their pork scratchings caused salmonella poisoning
Settlement for a mother after negligent delivery led to physical and psychiatric injuries
We helped Sarah claim compensation after negligent care during the birth of her first baby left her with psychiatric and physical injuries.
Settlement and support for father that sustained spinal injury in car crash
We helped Matthew claim compensation and access to the support he needed after sustaining a spinal cord injury in a road traffic accident.
Welsh mechanic receives five figure compensation following development of hand arm vibration syndrome
We helped Liam claim compensation to support his young family after he developed hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) while working.
Five-figure compensation after placement of an implant led to irreversible nerve damage
Jasprit suffered permanent inferior alveolar nerve damage following the placement of an implant at LR5. We helped her get access to both physical and psychological support.
Settlement for mother after negligent management of labour led to psychiatric injuries
Our medical negligence team have helped secure a settlement for a mother who suffered psychiatric injuries following negligent delays in delivering her baby
Liability settlement for child after negligent management of mother’s labour led to brain damage
Our medical negligence team have secured a liability settlement for a child who suffered brain damage following delays in making sure he was delivered by caesarean section.
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