We helped Ian*, Angela*, and Paul* after they became ill shortly after using a hot tub at a holiday cottage. Our team secured a collective five-figure settlement for them.
What happened to our clients?
Our clients were on holiday at a cottage that included a hot tub as part of their stay. Ian and Angela went in the hot tub, while Paul sat nearby.
All three noted that the hot tub was often dirty, and the water was cloudy. They also said that it wasn’t regularly cleaned by staff at the cottage.
Paul started to feel ill shortly after their stay at the cottage. He went to a hospital in Dorset, where medical professionals confirmed he’d contracted Legionella pneumonia.
Paul spent two weeks on the critical care ward, and after being discharged he continued to receive ongoing treatment.
Ian and Angela were also ill, but never formally diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease. Their illnesses were less severe and shorter.
How did this impact their lives?
Despite being discharged, Paul still struggled with the side effects of the illness. Paul experienced a high temperature, migraine headaches, fever, nausea, and difficulty breathing with a persistent cough.
Paul has trauma from the experience of being in intensive care after contracting Legionnaires’ disease.
How did Irwin Mitchell help to settle this Legionnaires' disease claim?
Ian, Paul, and Angela came to our Legionnaires’ disease claims team to claim for the impact on their lives and the trauma caused.
James Blower, a solicitor in our serious injury team, handled the claim on behalf of all three clients. It was decided that the best course of action was to take the claim as a group claim.
James gathered their medical records, as well as instructing an independent medical expert. The medical expert, who was a respiratory expert, identified the cause of the illness to be the hot tub at the cottage.
The cottage’s insurer admitted liability. After being presented with the evidence from the medical expert, the claim was settled with a five-figure compensation amount to be paid to our clients as a collective.
Expert opinion
On the claim, James said: “Ian, Paul, and Angela had their holiday ruined by the unacceptable condition of the hot tub. The lack of cleaning led to Paul being seriously ill, while Ian and Angela also experienced similar issues, but thankfully not as serious.
“The money can’t make up for the trauma caused, but it goes some way to helping each of them move on.”
*Not real names used.
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