I specialise in claims for damage to property, nuisance, and trespass, most of which are funded through legal expenses insurance. Examples of claims in nuisance would be disputes over rights of way, rights to light, loss of support to land and flooding. Trespass claims are typically boundary disputes, so determining the location of a boundary line and considering whether ownership of land has been acquired over time (adverse possession).
What Inspired You To Get Into Law?
I wasn’t brave enough to join the Police and a lawyer seemed the safer option!
What Is The Most Rewarding Aspect Of Your Role?
The satisfaction of helping a client get out of a difficult personal situation that is causing them stress and anxiety.
What Do You Like About Working At Irwin Mitchell?
The friendly nature of the team and the focus on giving good client care.
What Do You Do Away From The Office?
I enjoy playing tennis and tinkering with my classic car.