I qualified as a solicitor in 1995 and advised individuals and organisations on all aspects of employment law. For the last 23 years I have worked as a dedicated practice development lawyer supporting the employment team and our clients.
I produce client-focused alerts and newsletters to keep our clients up to date on key developments in employment law and HR best practice. I have been recognised by Lexology as a legal influencer on five separate occasions and regularly provide commentary to the media on topical employment law issues.
I have a particular interest in helping employers develop strategies to support and retain staff experiencing the menopause, have written detailed diversity and inclusion training for both employees and managers, and am helping clients to properly navigate conflict of belief issues in their workplaces.
I also work directly with a number of our clients and help them to develop strategies to deal with holiday pay liabilities in the education sector.
I produce and update key precedent documents, some of which are available to clients via our IMhrplus service and provide guidance on complex legal issues and new law.
I am also responsible for writing content for our national seminar programme which we deliver to our clients and produce bespoke training courses and mock Employment Tribunals.