I work with individuals to put their lifetime affairs in order and plan for the future, giving them peace of mind. This can be done by putting in place Wills, trusts or powers of attorney so that their estates will be taken care of, both in later life and after they have passed away.
I meet people at all stages in their lives: from just having children of their own, buying their first house, getting married or divorced, losing a loved one or coming to the end of their own life. I can also help with taking action to reduce any inheritance tax which may be payable and also advise on how best to approach other financial burdens such as paying for long term care. I also help family members and friends to deal with matters after their loved ones have either lost mental or physical capacity, or have died.
I assist with the administration of estates and trusts and can ensure that all assets are dealt with and end up in the right hands. I am passionate about the work that I do and have a personal, friendly but professional attitude to make it easier for my clients to understand and deal with difficult issues.
At Irwin Mitchell, I am surrounded by a nationwide team of extremely talented people who can help me offer a full range of legal services to my clients.