Gordon’s focus to date revolves around contentious construction matters, primarily on international arbitration (under ad-hoc rules and/or major institutional rules such as ICC and HKIAC) and court matters (English and Hong Kong courts).
Gordon has experience in representing government authorities and employers/owners, as well as other stakeholders such as contractors, sub-contractors and consultants.
Before joining Irwin Mitchell, Gordon trained and qualified at a sector-focused international law firm and was based in Hong Kong, spending three months in Sydney, Australia during his training contract. Gordon qualified in Hong Kong in 2019 and was relocated to London in 2022, where he obtained his E&W qualification in the same year.
Alongside his work, Gordon is studying for an MSc in Construction Law & Dispute Resolution at King's College London.
Key Highlights
- A German conglomerate - International Arbitration and Court Litigation: Acted for the client (EPC contractor) against its subcontractor in a series of legal proceedings (1x ICC arbitration, 2x TCC cases and 1x appeal case from TCC) regarding various energy-from-waste projects across different parts of the UK.
- A Hong Kong government authority - International Arbitration: Acted for the client (employer) in 2x HKIAC hybrid arbitrations and 4x subsequent Hong Kong High Court actions in defence of a DBO contractor's claims regarding a state-of-the-art waste management facility in Hong Kong.
- A Hong Kong government authority - Domestic Arbitration: Successfully defended the client (employer) from 4 contractors' joint claims, via HKIAC hybrid arbitrations, arising out of a mass retrofitting project over light fittings in all public housing estates in Hong Kong.
- A Hong Kong property management company - Domestic Arbitration: Acted for the client (owner) in defending a contractor's claim, via an ad-hoc arbitration, arising out of a fit-out project for a block of luxury residential flats in Hong Kong.
- A Hong Kong civil engineering contractor - Court Litigation: Acted for the client (subcontractor) in 2x Hong Kong High Court actions (setting aside a jurisdictional award and commencing claims) arising out of a major subcontract for a substantial redevelopment project in Hong Kong involving land reclamation.
- A Dutch heavy-lifting contractor - Court Litigation: Acted for the client (subcontractor) in defending a Hong Kong High Court claim from its joint venture partner regarding a subcontract of transport and heavy-lifting works for a connecting bridge at the Hong Kong International Airport.