I joined as a the Environmental &
Sustainability Manager in September 2021, it was clear
that we had strong foundations to build on. Yet we have
made significant investment in accelerating this position
further and the last 12 months have really demonstrated
a step-change in Irwin Mitchell’s approach to
environmental sustainability.
My aim is for every person
in this organisation to know
the part that they can play
in tackling climate change,
given it is one of the biggest
challenges of our time.
In 2021/2022 we worked with an external consultancy,
Carbon Intelligence, to conduct a thorough assessment of
our organisational footprint in order to capture that pre-COVID19 baseline year, which is so important as you begin
to plan your Net Zero roadmap.
We are also getting to grips with the metrics and measures that
will define our progress and that’s the way we prove to our
stakeholders that we are doing what we said we would do.