Specialist Asbestos-Related Disease Lawyers Have Been Instructed To Investigate Man’s Asbestos Exposure
A father-of-two, who was diagnosed with an asbestos-related cancer, is appealing to his former colleagues for help after instructing specialist lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate his exposure to asbestos.
Caleb Saunderson, 45 from St Neots, Cambridgeshire, was diagnosed with mesothelioma in June 2017. Mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the lining of the lungs and is commonly associated to asbestos. Symptoms of the disease can take decades to show following the exposure.
Following his diagnosis, Caleb instructed specialist asbestos-related disease lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigate where he was exposed to asbestos dust and fibres, and whether more could have been done to protect him.
Now, Caleb and his legal team at Irwin Mitchell are appealing to his former colleagues at WH Allen, part of Rolls Royce, to come forward with any information they may have on the presence of asbestos at the firm’s site at Queen’s Engineering Works, Bedford, and the work processes within the diesel and turbine build and test shops.
Caleb was employed by WH Allen/Rolls Royce from 1990 until 2010. He joined as an undergraduate in engineering, before becoming a design engineer. During his time at the company he worked across the site in different departments within the factory.
Rosemary Giles, the asbestos-related disease specialist at Irwin Mitchell representing Caleb, said:
Expert Opinion
“Caleb’s diagnosis has come as a huge shock to him and his family, particularly as he is very young compared to most sufferers of mesothelioma.
“Sadly, through our work we see many people, like Caleb, who are diagnosed with mesothelioma and were completely unaware they were being exposed to asbestos during their working life.
“We are determined to get him answers for how he was exposed to asbestos, and why more wasn’t done by his employer to protect him.
“For us to succeed in doing this, we need his former colleagues to come forward with any information they may have on the presence of asbestos at the WH Allen site in Bedford." Rosemary Giles - Partner
Caleb, who has two children with his wife Cate, 42, worked initially in the factory and following that, as a design engineer at the firm. He spent time in both the diesel build and development shops.
The factory in Bedford manufactured medium speed diesel engines and steam turbines used in power stations and for marine purposes.
Speaking about the work he would carry out, Caleb said: “My work would involve me moving across the factory to different sections, some of these were in need of touching up a little. You could see the insulation in parts coming through the wall.
“I am aware that during my time with the firm, there was work carried out, under controlled conditions, to remove asbestos from parts of the factory.”
Caleb added: “To be diagnosed with an industrial related terminal cancer, before I am 50 has been difficult to understand and I am obviously very sad I won’t get to see my children grow up.
“To be told that the mesothelioma was likely to have been caused by exposure to asbestos during my employment at WH Allen was a huge surprise.
“If any of my former colleagues have information on the presence of asbestos at the Queen’s Engineering Works in Bedford, please do contact my legal team at Irwin Mitchell. Any bit of information, big or small, could help me get answers about my illness.”
Those who believe they have information on the presence of asbestos at the Queen’s Engineering Works in Bedford are asked to contact Rosemary Giles on 01223 791 810 or at Rosemary.Giles@IrwinMitchell.com.
Read more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in mesothelioma cases.