Experts Welcome Osborne’s Bid To Revive Scheme
Business experts at law firm Irwin Mitchell have welcomed George Osborne’s renewed commitment to the Northern Powerhouse plan, unveiled in today’s Budget announcement.
The Chancellor confirmed the government will find the money to create a four-lane M62 between Leeds and Manchester and will develop the case for a road tunnel from Manchester to Sheffield.
In his speech to the House of Commons, he said: “Last year I established a new National Infrastructure Commission to advise us all on the big long-term decisions we need to boost our productivity. I want to thank Andrew Adonis (chair) and his fellow commissioners for getting off to such a strong start.
“They recommend much stronger links across northern England. So we are giving the green light to High Speed 3 between Manchester and Leeds; finding new money to create a four-lane M62; and will develop the case for a new tunnelled road from Manchester to Sheffield.”
The government also pledged to invest in upgrading the A66 and A69.
The Northern Powerhouse is a pet project of George Osborne to boost economic growth in the North of England.
Mr Osborne added: “I said we would build the Northern Powerhouse. We’ve put in place the mayors. We’re building the roads. We’re laying the track. We’re making the Northern Powerhouse a reality and rebalancing our country.”
Following on from his commitment to improve the infrastructure connecting Northern cities Mr Osborne said the government would invest £20 million a year of new funding in a Northern Powerhouse Schools Strategy.
The plan includes a boost in investment to turn round performance in the toughest areas, increasing funding available for turnaround activities, more investment see the best academy chains expand and to develop new sponsors in the North and a new Northern centre of the New Schools Network.
The Government will also ask Sir Nick Weller to lead an in-depth report into transforming education across the Northern Powerhouse.