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Lawyer who supports survivors of abuse speaks out after paedophile Ian Silvester jailed

Ian Silvester used his roles as a scout leader, first aider, scuba instructor, driving instructor and babysitter to abuse boys spanning over 30 years. 

He was found guilty at Lewes Crown Court in November and has recently been sentenced to 16 years in prison, with an additional six years on licence. 

The judge said the defendant had given his victims a "lifetime of shame and regret", telling the court the abuse happened so "openly and plainly and so often in front of others".

She added: “The fact is, you were in a position of trust with each boy.”

Vital Silvester abuse survivors are now supported 

While Silvester is now thankfully behind bars, survivors of his abuse are likely to still be affected by what happened to them. 

I’m regularly instructed to represent survivors who have experienced abuse within similar settings. While nothing can ever make up for what has happened, a civil claim is capable of being brought against organisations in which the perpetrator was able to operate, to gain access to children and to commit the abuse. 

Through my work on behalf of individuals who have experienced abuse, I understand the huge physical and psychological toll that such abuse can have. 

It’s paramount that anyone affected by these issues are given the appropriate support and that they are able to access the treatment and therapy they require to help them to move forward with their lives. 

Find out more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in supporting survivors of child abuse at our dedicated criminal injury and abuse claims section.