Baby Loss Awareness Week: Campaign is vital in keeping the discussion about what can be done to prevent baby loss going
I've written previously about baby loss and the need to break the silence around what can admittedly be a delicate subject.
Whether it be due to miscarriage, stillbirth or neo-natal death, baby loss is a very distressing thing for anyone to go through. I've my own experiences with the loss of two nephews, Benjamin in 2014, and Harry, in 2015 respectively.
What better time than Baby Loss Awareness week to shine a light on the subject again and keep the vital discussion going around key causes of, and what can be done to, reduce baby loss.
Baby Loss Awareness Week
Bay Loss Awareness week occurs every October and is seen as a time for everyone with their own experience of baby loss to come together, to remember their babies and help raise awareness of pregnancy and baby loss. You may already be aware of several famous landmarks lighting up in blue and pink to signify this important week.
Memorial events
Events will take place across the country to mark the event also. My family and I will proudly be attending the annual ‘Wave of Light’ ceremony in Chesterfield where both Benjamin’s and Harry’s funerals took place. As in previous years, we will be joined by a host of other families who've all experienced baby loss, each with their own tragic tales to tell.
Supporting families
The event will be hosted by the local branch of the SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal deaths) charity which was very supportive to our family. The charity holds monthly meetings and provides routes to access advice and guidance on a range of topics for anyone who has experienced baby loss.
This year's Baby Loss Awareness week focus is on the ‘new path’ that each person finds themselves unexpectedly on following the loss of a baby and how each individual goes on a different journey down that path.
Once again, I will be wearing my blue and pink ribbon badge during this Baby Loss Awareness week.
My colleagues at Irwin Mithell also support families going through baby loss, helping them to not only access specialist support they may require but by establishing answers to questions people may have.
Find out more about Irwin Mitchell's expertise in supporting families affected by baby loss at our dedicated birth injuries section.