Supporting Limb Loss And Limb Difference Awareness Month and how we help clients following an accident
April is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month.
Irwin Mitchell act on behalf of many incredibly inspirational amputee clients in cases following a life changing injury and we'll be sharing some of their stories on our social media channels during April.
Life after limb loss
As with all personal injury claims, the purpose of a claim for compensation is, so far as possible, to put an injured claimant back in the position that he or she was in prior to the incident.
This is particularly challenging in amputee cases, but key to success is ensuring that our clients access the very best rehabilitation at the earliest available opportunity . When we pursue a claim on behalf of a client following amputation we ensure that we access the very best possible prosthetic rehabilitation. This enables our clients, through private funding, to trial and obtain the prostheses for they need for both every day life and sporting activity.
In an amputee case the lifelong annual cost of prosthetics is substantial and is usually the largest head of loss in a claim. We work diligently on behalf of our clients to ensure that we identify their prosthetic needs as soon as possible and ensure that they have what they need for their rest of their lives. This involves meticulous gathering of evidence so as to understand how many prosthetics our clients might reasonably need in the future; for how long and for what different use; whilst also including the associated annual costs of service, maintenance and physiotherapy.
Osteointegration is an operative procedure which is used to eliminate the need for conventional socket prostheses. It is surgery which is being done more and more in the UK having in previous years been predominantly undertaken overseas.
We ask our experts in an amputee case to consider if osseointegration might be suitable for our clients. It is absolutely imperative that we are alive to all developments in amputee rehabilitation which evolve each year.
Other heads of loss
We're able to gather the right type of evidence to support our clients’ long term needs by building an evidential picture as to what life will look like in the future. For example, will our client need to use a wheelchair in later life? Will that mean that their present home is unsuitable? Will it mean that they require additional funds for care and for aids and equipment around the house including the cost of a wheelchair?
We consider all of these questions very carefully before reaching the point where we are in a position to settle our clients’ cases.
'Future proofing'
We work with our clients and the right case manager and clinicians to help them get back to work if at all possible. Limb loss should not be a barrier to returning to work.
We consider very carefully with our clients where they might work in the future, for how long, in what sector and whether full or part time. It is only when we can evidence what future work might look like that we will advise our clients to settle their case.
Life after limb loss can be challenging but with the best support from the right legal and rehabilitation team, there is no reason why an amputee client can’t go on to have a happy, rewarding and fulfilling life.
Find out more about Irwin Mitchell’s expertise in supporting clients affected by limb loss or limb difference at our dedicated amputation claims section.