Brexit - "The government and The National Archives prepare for EU Exit"
On 3rd July 2019 , the UK Department for Exiting the European Union (DEXEU) published a Written Ministerial Statement by Minister James Cleverly under the above citation, confirming that The UK National Archives are launching two new services with a view to facilitating public access to "EU Retained Law", the body of EU law to be retained by the UK following "exit day" ( currently 11pm UK time, 31st October 2019).
The first new service is a comprehensive archive of EU law up to exit day, giving public access to EU legislation, treaties, international agreements and case law.
The other new service is the addition to the UK Government website "" of all legislation originating from the EU including a timeline of the changes to EU law necessary to adapt it to the UK context.
These new information resources were a requirement of Section 15 and Schedule 5 to the UK European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 and their clear objective is to make the whole Brexit process and its impact upon UK domestic law as transparent as possible to the general public.
Readers are encouraged to look at these online resources and get familiar with them. They do go some way to demystifying the whole process of the customisation of EU retained law for UK legal purposes post-Brexit.