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Estate regeneration panel convenes

Following recent announcements about a push to regenerate council estates using institutional finance, Lord Heseltine has appointed the panel that will create and oversee the regeneration strategy. 

It will be interesting to see whether the funding will be spread out over all of the target estates, or focussed on a few trailblazers. It will also be interesting to see how much councils will be able to share in income and receipts from the regenerated estates. 

Lord Heseltine said:“regeneration is key to transforming the lives of people living on poorly designed housing projects. The panel will provide expert advice, support and explore innovative funding solutions to drive forward the regeneration of estates around the country.
“ I am clear that this has to be locally led and we must work with the residents of such estates. I now want to see local communities coming forward with innovative ideas to achieve desirable neighbourhoods that local people can be proud of.”
Housing minister Brandon Lewis :“We know these estates offer huge potential to be revived so that they become thriving communities and places which people want to live and work in.
“This panel provides a wealth of experience to kick-start work that will help transform the lives of thousands of people by delivering better homes in better estates.””