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Yet more red tape to cut: Cabinet Office review of building sector re-opens

In an apparent concession that they didn't manage to get through all of it the last time around, the Cabinet Office has re-opened its "Cutting Red Tape" review of house building.

Like the previous review, which was launched in 2013, the aim is to identify and remove unnecessary regulatory burdens that are hampering the delivery of new homes.

The review closes for comment on 13 January 2016. 

Given the upcoming Christmas holidays, this does not give a great deal of time to get your responses in. That said, making the effort now  might result in a pleasant surprise in the 2016 budget. 

The Cutting Red Tape review of house building is a government review led by the Cabinet Office, DCLG, BIS, working with other government departments and regulators to identify and remove unnecessary regulatory barriers to growth and associated costs to the house building sector, while ensuring necessary protections are maintained. It will build upon previous work of the government to identify an initial list of regulatory burdens on house builders and identify opportunities to reduce these.

As part of the review, we want hear from businesses, trade associations and others with an interest in the sector. The review will examine any aspects of regulation or the way it is implemented which could be made simpler, more cost-effective, efficient, proportionate, or consistent.

This review closes for comment on 13th January 2016.”