Car sharing: is this the sign of things to come?
Uber is at the vanguard of mobile technology and sharing of resources, but there is no reason why other areas can't also benefit on a similar basis. We are already seeing group legal actions against VW because of their car emissions scandal. Outsourcing of non-core business functions, for example: HR, Marketing, web site maintenance and IT, have been with us for a while. And it is likely that in the near future the idea of a company with any employees at all will be commonplace. Everyone providing their skills to more than one 'business partner' from their smart phone. As it is, Uber is the world's largest taxi company even though it owns no cars and employs no drivers. Alibaba is the worlds largest retailer, even though it has no stock. I'm sure we could all think of new ways of working which would make the most of mobile phone technology. What's next?
Uber, the ride-hailing app firm that is taking on taxi drivers around the world, is launching its car-sharing service in London.
UberPool will be available to customers in the capital from Friday, enabling passengers to share taxi rides if they are heading in the same direction.
Uber says the service will cut congestion and pollution, given that strangers who would otherwise be travelling in separate cars will be sharing rides.
The service is available in 15 cities worldwide, and in San Francisco it accounts for more than half of the firm’s trips.
Uber, which was boosted in October by a UK high court victory over the legality of its app, is launching the service as it awaits the conclusion of a consultation exercise from London’s transport regulator, TfL, which could enforce a crackdown on the firm’s activities.”