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Posts from October 2023

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Emma Hopton

Cohabitation Disputes: What issues could 'The Addams Family' be facing in their macabre mansion?

The Addams Family, a household filled with family values, or a nightmarish arrangement destined to end in bloodcurdling litigation.  The...

Sarah AlJourani

Sharia Series; void, voidable or non-marriage?

There are currently 3,868,133 Muslims in England and Wales (6.5% of the population.) It’s therefore no surprise that the Law Commission...

Matthew Briggs

The Post-Pandemic World: Considerations for employers when employees work abroad

Our previous article on the post-pandemic work balance focused on the tax implications of employees working abroad, but how does this...

Matthew Briggs

The Post-Pandemic World: Considerations For Employees Who Work Abroad

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about significant changes in working patterns with many employees choosing to work remotely, including from...

James Wright

Winter v Winter [2023] EWHC 2393 (Ch) - Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Two brothers brought a claim to challenge the will of their father, on the basis that their parents made mutual wills in 2000 and as...

Leah Corbett

‘The Female Voice’ Panel: Top Tips for Confidence and Making an Impact in Business

As part of our new initiative ‘the female voice’ we hosted an event designed to empower women and foster connections within professional...

Hayley Trim

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? – Planning and Protection

Whether a client has recently come into money (e.g. from an inheritance, lottery win or success on Who Wants to be a Millionaire!), or...