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Posts from December 2022

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Kylie Hutchison

Gold or bust? - Athletes, injuries and how to manage the risk

The year 2022 was a massive year for elite athletes following the world’s emergence from the pandemic and the rescheduling of postponed...

Bilal Hussain

Calls to change law on bereavement damages: England and Wales behind

Bereavement damages are a form of compensation which is payable following the unlawful death of a loved one, arising from a fatal...

Ryan Blake

What NHS delays look like for individuals and is the effect truly known?

It's been widely reported that there are significant NHS delays in the vast majority of departments. However, those delays are appearing...

Kim McCleery

Impact of Covid-19 sets European cancer outcomes back by almost 10 years

A report, published by The Lancet Oncology Commission, considered that cancer outcomes in Europe have been set back by almost a decade....

Ed Tomlinson

Our Networking Group – IM Able

Today (Saturday 3 December) is International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which aims to raise awareness about the rights of disabled...

Sarah Griggs

As Scottish football bans heading in training World Cup injuries show more needs to be done to protect players and stop brain health complacency

The Scottish Football Association (SFA) has announced that professional footballers in Scotland will be banned from heading the ball the...

Lauren Haas

The CRU Certificate and its effect on personal injury claims

One of the issues lawyers in serious injury cases must grapple with almost daily is the vexed and at times contentious issue of CRU...

Samantha Williams

Maternity care debate flags concerns over rising stillbirth rates - what's being done to improve patient safety

Since the inception of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Baby Loss in 2016, an annual debate has taken place at Westminster Hall to...

Conor O'Carroll-Lolait

Action against Medical Accidents: Marking 40 years of providing help and support to those affected by clinical negligence

As Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) celebrates its 40th anniversary year, it's easy to lose yourself in the amazing stats that...