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Nicola Gooch

Wrangling over Reasons: R oao CPRE Kent v Dover District Council heads to the Supreme Court

When the Government removed the statutory duty to include reasons  for granting consent on the face of a planning permission in 2013,...

Nicola Gooch

Homes of the Future - Technology and Retirement Living

Earlier this week McCarthy & Stone and the Agile Ageing Alliance released a report which considers the implications of technology for the...

Irwin Mitchell

Do you have, or can you see, Japanese Knotweed at your Property?

An article on the BBC news website has highlighted that a homeowner has been successful in claiming compensation from Network Rail, when...

Irwin Mitchell

"When constabulary duty's to be done, to be done, a Landlord's lot is not an 'appy one, 'appy one"

If you ever read the books about "The Scarecrow" by Russell Thorndyke, tales of smugglers on Romney Marsh, led by the local Parson, and...

Nicola Gooch

Aarhus Cost Protection Limits for Judicial Reviews no Longer Set in Stone

Today, the 88th Amendment to the Civil Procedure Rules comes into effect. You might think that this is a slightly odd topic for a...

Nicola Gooch

Inspector tells Mid Sussex Council to plan for more homes

Mid Sussex Council submitted its new District Plan to the Planning Inspectorate for examination in August 2016.  Earlier this week, the...

Nicola Gooch

Streamlining Newts - or at least their licensing arrangements

Hidden away in the detail of the Housing White Paper was an announcement about Great Crested Newts. Namely, that following a successful...

Nicola Gooch

The Housing White Paper: Very Heavily Abridged

The Housing White Paper was finally unveiled, in the House of Commons, on Tuesday lunchtime and has dominated the news for most of the...

Nicola Gooch

Suffering Housing White Paper Overload? Let's talk CIL Reform instead

On a day where parliament is discussing BREXIT and appropriate measures for protecting the public from seagulls (and most planning...

Irwin Mitchell protection for Woodlands (pardon the pun)

The Telegraph has published a very interesting article on the much anticipated Housing White Paper (due tomorrow) and Government plans to...

Nicola Gooch

Is the Government about to get on board with the Retirement Housing agenda?

Gavin Barwell spent much of the weekend on  television discussing the Housing White Paper, which is now expected on Tuesday this week....

Irwin Mitchell

SDLT surcharge on second homes nets additional £1.19bn

The Times has reported (behind a paywall) that the additional 3% SDLT surcharge on residential properties brought by someone who already...

Nicola Gooch

RTPI Publishes Practice Note on Planning For Dementia Friendly Developments

Yesterday, the RTPI published its first practice note on  "Dementia and Town Planning".  The practice note is only 16 pages long and I...

Irwin Mitchell

Property Fraud - Protect yourself

Lessons can be gleaned from a recent high profile case on property fraud. Landlords (both residential and commercial) should heed the...

Irwin Mitchell

To buy or not to buy (but can I afford it?)

An interesting article from The Telegraph has picked up that it can take the average first time buyer 10 years to save for a deposit to...

Irwin Mitchell

(un)affordable Housing Crisis - 2017

A recent International Housing Affordability Survey (2017) has highlighted some of the most expensive places to live in the world by...

Irwin Mitchell

Too Hot to Handle - The EU's Energy Directive

The European Commission’s guidance on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive (which requires heat meters or heat cost...

Irwin Mitchell

Irwin Mitchell helps secure major North Street Quarter mixed-use development in Lewes, East Sussex

The South Downs National Park Authority granted planning permission for a major 416-home mixed-use scheme which will not only provide 40...

Irwin Mitchell

Un-lock garage sites to solve housing crisis?

Specialist crowdfunders Property Partner have used a number of FOI requests to establish how many under-used and under-maintained lock up...

Irwin Mitchell

Midlands Engine goes 'Brum'

Interesting news from the Birmingham Mail, picked up by, reveals that Birmingham tops the list for the most new company...

Irwin Mitchell

First Time Buyers on the increase

Encouraging figures released by Halifax (and reported without paywall by show a continued recovery in the number...

Irwin Mitchell

Snow limit to the perks on offer...

Whilst waiting for the housing white paper it is always worth observing what perks the luxury developers are offering at their prime...

Irwin Mitchell

"I do, therefore I spend" - Visa report on consumer spending

Take from it what you will, (and read it in parallel with the report on the massive amount of unsecured debt in the UK), but surely one...

Nicola Gooch

Planning Permission In Principle is on its way: Draft Regulations laid before Parliament

It looks as if at least one of the more radical reforms in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 is due to come into effect in the not too...

Nicola Gooch

Ministers pave the way for the Housing White Paper by pre-announcing its content

As a wise man* once said there appears to be a pattern associated with major government policy announcements.  First there is a week or...

Nicola Gooch

DCLG's New Year's Resolution: Build More (Starter) Homes

It is the first working day of 2017 and already we have two announcements from DCLG - both of which are centred on delivering housing....

Nicola Gooch

In the Fourth Week of Advent, DCLG gave to me.... A New Housing Fund & Disagreements with Inspectors

The week before Christmas has been a decidedly busy one, with the announcement of a new £60 million housing fund and the release of no...

Irwin Mitchell

Yes, Counting matters, but interpretation matters more

On Saturday, The Times, quoting from the BDO report trumpeted a 1.7% year on year increase for Retail sales figures for November,...

Nicola Gooch

In the Third Week of Advent, DCLG gave to me... Yet More Neighbourhood Plan Uncertainty

In a move which has made me feel decidedly un-festive, yesterday, in the House of Commons, Gavin Barwell issued a new written ministerial...

Nicola Gooch

In the Second Week of Advent, DCLG gave to me... A National Estate Regeneration Strategy!

Last week the festive fellows at DCLG  treated us to a National Estates Regeneration Strategy, intended to 'breathe new life' into...