Tags matching 'brexit'

Brexit and (re-) structuring your business in case of a "no deal"
A common lament that is heard in business circles is how hard it is to find focussed, practical and straightforward advice as to what...
Brexit and the Road to Perdition
It is fair to say that the British Constitution has come under attack from every side of Parliament and beyond during the UK Brexit...
Brexit and the Food and Drink Industry
In a dramatic intervention on 7th August 2019, the UK Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has called (and not for the first time) for waivers...
Brexit and the Creative Industries
As the UK gets closer to the Brexit door (currently scheduled to be reached on 31st October 2019 at 11pm (UK time)), various industry...
Brexit and Free Ports
In early August 2019, the UK Government announced that it is planning to create up to 10 "free ports", around seaports and airports,...
Brexit and Financial Services - an update on preparations for a "no-deal" Brexit
On 16th July 2019, AFME (the Association for Financial Markets in Europe) published a short briefing update on preparations for a...
Brexit and Northern Ireland - new statistics on the consequences of a "no deal"
On 10th July 2019, the Northern Ireland Department for the Economy published a report entitled "Northern Ireland trade and investment...
Brexit and an issue of Parliamentary sovereignty - can the Courts block a prorogation of Parliament?
In pursuit of a Brexit at 11pm UK time on 31st October 2019 ("exit day") come what may (or "do or die" as he is reported to have said),...
Brexit and getting closer to Switzerland
As Brexit "exit day" appears to get closer (currently, 11pm UK time on 31st October 2019), the UK is ramping up its efforts to conclude...
Brexit and Japan
In an interview with the BBC in Tokyo on 27th June 2019, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono warned against the perils of a "no deal"...
Brexit - "The government and The National Archives prepare for EU Exit"
On 3rd July 2019 , the UK Department for Exiting the European Union (DEXEU) published a Written Ministerial Statement by Minister James...
Brexit and improving the scrutiny of international agreements
The Brexit debates in the UK have brought a new assertiveness to both Houses of Parliament in the way that they pro-actively engage in...
"Brexit" and the new EU Prospectus Regulation
The new EU Prospectus Regulation ( No 2017/1129) is due to come fully into force throughout the European Union ( including the UK) on...
Brexit and continuing focus on the Irish question
On 26th June 2019, the UK Government announced the first meeting (to be held that day) of the Business and Trade Union Alternative...
English Law on the World Stage: Why London is still the forum of choice for international litigants
Despite the current political uncertainty, the English Courts continue to see high levels of international and cross-border litigation,...
Brexit and progressing alternative arrangements to the Irish / Northern Irish backstop
On 20th June 2019, the UK Government announced the first meeting to take place that day of the newly established Technical Alternative...
Brexit and the marking of positions
In these groundhog days as we await the election of a new leader of the UK Conservative and Unionist Party , time is being spent by the...
Brexit and Citizens' Rights
As the "Brexit" train rolls on, stopping and starting along the way, the UK Government has been negotiating with individual EU member...
Brexit and the right to prorogue Parliament
There is some public debate currently between the candidates for the Conservative Party leadership and UK Prime Minister as to whether...
Brexit and getting a UK EORI number
In the current UK political climate, there is much more focus on the implications of a "no-deal" Brexit than there has been for a while....
Brexit and the European Commission's update on its own preparations for a possible "no-deal" Brexit
On 12 June 2019 the European Commission published its fifth Brexit Preparedness Communication giving its own assessment of the measures...
Brexit and the Monarchy
The Conservative Party hustings that are taking place to identify a new leader for the Conservative Party and a new Prime Minister for...
Brexit and Human Rights
Part of the impetus for leaving the European Union was arguably to take back control over Human Rights law. This explains why Section...
Brexit and the appliance of Science
On 3rd June 2019, "The Guardian" newspaper reported on an interview with Sir Paul Nurse, the Nobel prize-winning director of the Francis...
Brexit and the future of London
In the words of the old Flanagan & Allen song :- "... Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner That I love London town...." For those of us...
Brexit and the future of financial regulation in the UK
On 16th May 2019 , the Bank of England published a speech given by Sam Woods (Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation at the Bank of...
Brexit and a letter from the Secretary of State
On 15th May 2019, the UK Government Department for exiting the European Union ( "DexEU") published on its website a letter dated 14th...
Brexit and its wider political and economic context
On 10th May 2019, the UK Government Department for Exiting the EU ("DexEU") published on its website a transcript of the speech given the...
Brexit and a life beyond!
Both the regulators and private individuals appear to be thinking of a life beyond Brexit, if Brexit takes place. The free London...
Brexit and a legal challenge to the notice of withdrawal from the EU
On May 6th 2019, "The Times" published its Law Report in the English Court of Appeal decision of Regina ( Wilson and others) v Prime...